creat [batch] file to start and shut down programs



so, to keep my computer smooth, I want to creat a batch file which should start this programs:
- 360TS (antivirus)
- Glasswire (firewall)
- ETDCtrl (touchpad)
- F.lux
I created a simple batch, was just:
start C:\\users\userX\appdata\local\flux\flux.exe and I added a pause between each start entry because I don't want all the programs to start at the same time.

my problem is that from the 4 programs, only glasswire was starting, all the others the batch file thrown an error about not being able to go locate the path...

what can I do to make them run?
also, I want to creat a batch file to close those same programs.
Do you actually know what the name of the exe file of each program is? for example glasswire.exe?

And your batch file would look a little something like this if you want it to have a few cooldowns when starting each program

start (program here)
timeout 5 >nul
start (program here)
timeout 5 >nul
start (program here)
timeout 5 >nul
start (program here)

and if you want to run the batch file that starts all the programs on startup, add it to the startup folder in windows



some of those starting up programs are causing windows 10 to not being able to shutdown. that's why I want a batch file that will start them, and another one to kill them, while I don't find the cause for that. I think it's ETDCtrl.exe, but not sure.



Which applications, specifically?



- 360TS (antivirus)
- Glasswire (firewall)
- ETDCtrl (touchpad)
- F.lux

suspected about them. deactivated them from starting with windows and still the problem persisted. so, using a batch file to start them and kill them seems to not be the way to solve it, even temporarily. the problem seems to happen when I do "something" specific, since if I restart the computer it will shutdown normally. my problem is discovering that specific thing I do.
still, I want to know how to run a program using a batch file and how to kill it, it may turn useful.


Do you actually know what the name of the exe file of each program is? for example glasswire.exe?

And your batch file would look a little something like this if you want it to have a few cooldowns when starting each program

start (program here)
timeout 5 >nul
start (program here)
timeout 5 >nul
start (program here)
timeout 5 >nul
start (program here)

and if you want to run the batch file that starts all the programs on startup, add it to the startup folder in windows



Thank you so much for your answer! that code worked, I noticed, however, that the path cannot have spaces, for example:
C:\users\User X\chrome.exe won't work just because it has a space btw User and X... while C:\users\UserX\chrome.exe will open chrome just fine. I wonder if I can link the path to a shortcut on some folder and than the batch would open the shortcut instead of the file itself... gonna try it out... thanks once more.



Spaces in a command can be used when that command is encapsulated in quotes.