Becoming a software engineer


May 18, 2016
I'm reading a book about software engineering...
I think that this book could make me a software engineer, which would be great.

I know a little C, C++, Java, DBMS (mysql), Linux, etc. I don't know much UML, Patterns Design, etc.
I was reading a book about PHP for web development, and I thought a little, and I decided to read about software engineering.

I want to say I'm just a autodidact student.
I can't enter to the university this year, but a have a lot energy and time.

So I want your opinions, suggestions, comments, good books, etc.

Thanks in advanced.
ONE book won't make you a software engineer. To have that title, most employers will require a bachelors degree. It could be a computer science degree, math degree, or other hard science degree. You have to know how to communicate, work in a team, be logical, be thorough... to be a software engineer. Writing code is a small part of the job. Writing documents, power point, and excel are just as important. Understanding what a requirement is and what isn't a requirement is important. Understanding how to test systems (or modules) to verify requirements. SO much more than one book....

Here are a couple, that I found especially enlightening "The Practice of Programming", "Writing Solid Code"


ONE book won't make you a software engineer. To have that title, most employers will require a bachelors degree. It could be a computer science degree, math degree, or other hard science degree. You have to know how to communicate, work in a team, be logical, be thorough... to be a software engineer. Writing code is a small part of the job. Writing documents, power point, and excel are just as important. Understanding what a requirement is and what isn't a requirement is important. Understanding how to test systems (or modules) to verify requirements. SO much more than one book....

Here are a couple, that I found especially enlightening "The Practice of Programming", "Writing Solid Code"


May 18, 2016

Now, I'm also about to read a computer science book along with the software engineering book. Hopefully I get very comfortable at this.
Thank you so much.


If you're wanting to become a software engineer because you think it's fun to solve problems and create solutions, then you're on the right track. If you're wanting to learn CS because you heard it's good money, you're going to have a bad time.

The biggest issues for any project that involves more than a handful of people is communication and documentation. There are some classic books like "Mythical Man Month" or "Clean Code" or "The Pragmatic Programmer" that are highly recommended because their contents are useful no matter how old they are.

In my limited experience, knowledge is not horribly useful for technical skills when it comes to programming. Many many times I have seen people with little knowledge or experience out performing seniors. But going back to communication and documentation, technical skills are only part of being a programmer and this is where even poorly technically skilled programmers can always add value to the team.

If you have a natural inclination to programming, you've already got a leg up on 95% of other people. Almost any technology can be learned in a few days, don't worry about the knowledge, focus on soft skills.


May 18, 2016

Good answer. I like the clean code book, it's very interesting, it sounds good to me.