Need advice on large monitor purchase for gaming and work


Jun 5, 2012
I use a Dell 30" monitor (3007WFPHC) that cost around $1500 when new a good many years ago. I use it for work (graphics/photography editing/illustration/video editing/etc.) and gaming. I think it's still pretty good but I recently got a Samsung 65" 3DTV that I also hook up to my computer and was like 'damn, this looks better than my main monitor"

I don't mind paying around a grand, maybe more for something top of the line, but it definitely has to hold up and stay relevant for a good long while. I think I've had my current display for about 8 years and it's done pretty well for me.

And now that I'm getting back into gaming (FPS like Overwatch) and just built a very powerful new PC I feel like its time to upgrade. I want something larger and I'm pretty sure I want to jump on the higher refresh rate bandwagon and I also think I'd like to have a monitor capable of 3D. I like watching movies in 3D on my TV but what about gaming in 3d? Is that a thing for major titles? Or more of a gimmick? I haven't kept up on the technology so I'm not really sure what new features are most desirable currently.

But it appears the trend is towards superwide and the biggest available is like 34" or 35" and to me it feels like I'm losing screen real estate because they are shorter. That may be fine for gaming but for the mundane work stuff like going through my long lists of emails daily, scrolling through excel sheets or web pages I think it would feel like a reduction. But then, maybe someone with experience with the superwide format would tell me otherwise? Looking for all input here.
(Current visible screen space for my 30" is 25.25"x16")

Another issue I've run into is that a lot of these superwides run at 60hz (not even capable of the 120hz requirement for 3D) and I'm seeing 144hz in other sizes and even higher ones on the horizon.

My major question is: should I get something now, and if so, what would fit my needs the best here? Or should I wait, and if that is the case, what should I wait for and how long?

Want to upgrade from current 30" monitor.
Needs to be top end for games (FPS) and work (graphics/illustration/other production)
Not sure what features are most relevant these days, need input.
Not sure about superwide format, need input.
Looking to purchase within next month. Willing to wait 6 months maybe more for something better on the horizon.


It depends.

To me, it really sounds like an ultrawide would fit your needs perfectly. The physical vertical height of these panels are roughly equal to that of a 27" 2560x1440 panel. However, the horizontal real estate is massive. (Just as an aside, do you really care about 3D? I'd argue 3D is dead and VR is taking its place)

So as far as suggestions, you can have the best of both worlds but I'm not sure I would recommend a curved display to a professional. Text and documents can display a little wonky. All the 34" Ultrawides with refresh rate greater than 60Hz are curved, unfortunately. Then again, I'm not sure how much of the display will be for work as opposed to play.

The reason 3440x1440 panels top out at 100Hz is due to bandwidth limitations of DisplayPort 1.2. There are DP 1.3/1.4 displays on the horizon (within the next 6 months), however, I'd wager that all the high refresh 34" ultrawide panels will be curved. Again, if you don't think the curve will impact your work, then go for.

You didn't list your PC specs, but I'm assuming you have a fairly beefy rig. The PG348Q and X34 Predator (~$1200) are your options for 100Hz 3440x1440 AHVA G-Sync (if you have a Nvidia card). The XR341CK (~$899-1100) is your option for 75Hz 3440x1440 AHVA Freesync (if you have an AMD card). These panels sport a 3800R curvature

I also read that new DP 1.3 panels coming out may share a 3440x1440 144Hz VA panel. Which would be a no-go for design work.

Assuming you are open to 60Hz panels, there are a number of non-curved 34" 3440x1440 IPS panels available. Panels like the 34UM95 and U3477PQU can be had for $450-700. I would stay clear of any ultrawide VA panels, they will not suit your needs.

If you have any more questions, let me know. I've personally owned the Samsung S34E790C ultrawide and the AOC U3477PQU.


Jun 5, 2012
My rig is freshly built, i7 6700K | GTX 980Ti with VR panel| Samsung 950 Pro M.2 500GB SSD PCIE drives (X2 Raid 0)| 16GB DDR4 ram @3400ish | MSI M7 z170 Mobo | Loads of other storage, etc etc
As for 3D, I don't really know, I just thought it would be cool to play the latest releases in 3D. I do have a Vive on the way but I don't see any AAA titles coming out anytime soon for it. *edit and you have to figure the market for super expensive platforms like vive are going to be limited for a long time so I don't expect mainstream titles coming for quite a while.
As for the refresh rate I really want to feel that smoothness I keep hearing about with the higher refresh rate for FPS game play.
I'm not sure about curved, I think it would be perfect for my corner setup, but for my design work I have no idea what to expect from curved. I would ask what you mean by wonky.
If I did get a 34" curved that is perfect for gaming I guess it would be possible to set up my station so I keep my 30" to the side for production if need be. Though I think the difference in screen height would be visually unappealing... And maybe a little disruptive turning on an additional screen when I need to use a certain app. (Am I really so lazy that I can't be bothered pressing two buttons to power on my monitors? maybe... I just like convenience, especially when it comes to work)
I was kind of hoping there would be a display of 36-40" or thereabouts by now with specs good for gaming and such as well as production. Guessing not.
I really hate to compromise when I've spent so much building my rig to be good for both tasks. I wish I lived somewhere where I could go test some of this stuff out but I dont.
Still not sure of the best path forward but I guess out of the available options I'm leaning toward the PG348Q or X34 Predator, tentatively, unless I can find some solid info on a better upcoming releases. I just bought my gtx 980ti and wish I had known the 1080 was just about to release. Don't want to do something like that again.
I really need to do some more research on how a curved monitor affects a professional workspace too.


Jun 5, 2012

It's nice but only 60hz which is where I'm at now, if I'm buying something new shouldn't I be aiming for something higher?


Comes down to preference. Ive owned 3 high refresh monitors in the past, 2 with adaptive sync.

Keep in mind, if you plan is to play all games at 75-144FPS (to utilize the higher refresh) at the highest settings, even the 980 Ti will struggle. I owned the Ti before I downgraded to the 290X.



Jun 5, 2012

Well I may well go for a GTX 1080, maybe even 1080 SLI, if need be. But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Right now I just want to figure out the best scenario for my monitor situation but its pretty difficult to decide. It just feels like every option is a compromise. And for $1K+ on a single component I don't like compromise.