can i run one 27 inch monitor and 1 22 inch monitor on a single gtx 960 ?


Jun 13, 2016
I use my setup for gaming particularly gta V and other graphics intensive games ! so I was wondering if I can run a 27 inch and 22 inch monitor on a single strix gtx 960 later I would also like to repair my other 22 inch and hook that up too do you guys think that two 22 inch and one 27inch monitors would work with a single gtx 960, my current build is 16gb ram ddr Kingston
Gtx960 Strix
z87gryphon motherboard
240gb ssd
64 gb ssd
1 tb harddisk

Thanks in advance
Yes, a gtx 960 can handle multiple monitors. You won't get any benefit out of using two monitors will gaming but it will be useful for other purposes.