Aftermarket blind spot monitoring/detection


Jun 28, 2016
Tom's Hardware did a review a while ago about the Goshers blind spot monitoring system, which uses ultrasonic sensors mounted near the back corners of the car. It got generally favorable reviews, but the range of such ultrasonic sensors is very short (3 meters maximum), which limits its usefulness on highways.

A newer system is out, Boyo Vision VTBSD1. Instead of using ultrasonic, it instead uses microwave radar, which is what most OEM systems now use. It is reported to have a detection range of about 15 meters, which is on par with OEM systems (some have longer, some have shorter, but this is somewhere in the middle).

I have been unable to find reviews for this product or video demonstrating its performance. How does this compare to the Goshers system or to OEM systems? In addition to limited range, one of the common problems with the 2-sensor Goshers (as opposed to the 4-sensor premium) is false detections. Does this system, being radar based, have the same problem?

I would gladly be the guinea pig for this device, however installation is a major component of the cost and not something that can just be shipped back for a refund should it function poorly. This device is unique among aftermarket blind spot monitors, yet there's no information out there.


I only found a couple a reviews and they were not good. One was via Amazon.

Plus this You Tube "attempt" was not very encouraging: read the comment as well.

My overall impression, based on what little I could find, was not favorable.

As you noted it is costly.

And I have a sense that the overall quality (design, components, craftsmanship, etc.) would be marginal.

Do not be a guinea pig for that device.


Jun 28, 2016
I was able to find a review for the Boyo Vision VTBSD1. Only 1 review, but it was 1 star out of 5.

After a little more research, I was able to find a much better solution; Wistron NeWeb UMD-RT01. From the available documentation, this looks like the real deal and is hand-down the best aftermarket system. It not only offers blind spot monitoring, but also lane-change assist (detects rapidly approaching vehicles, like a long range blind spot monitor) and rear cross traffic alert.