Is my PC good enough to run a 144hz monitor?


Jun 30, 2016
I'm interested in buying a 144hz monitor, but the problem is I don't know if my computer is good enough to run it. I'm a bit "green" when it comes to these topics, so help would be more than welcomed. Here are my specs:

Intel Core i5-4670 (3.40GHz)
GPU: Nvidia GTX 660
Windows 8
Your processor is fine and will serve you well for several years. A GPU upgrade would definitely be recommended to hit >60FPS in most of those games @ 1080p.


Jun 30, 2016

Well. The games I was thinking of are: GTA V, Dark Souls 3, Hitman, CSGO, Overwatch, MGSV, WWE 2k16 and with new releases there are couple games I'd like to play like Mirrors Edge Catalyst for example. If I was to upgrade my PC for those games, would getting a better GPU be enough or is my processor not good enough as well?
You will have over 140fps in CSGO. it's basically the most important game to have above 60FPS from what you listed.
So your computer is stronk enough to run the 144Hz monitor. It's just not stronk enough to run many games above 60FPS ;)
Seriously, get that monitor at least for CS:GO. and later get better GPU at some point.


Jun 30, 2016

What GPU would you recommend me to get? If budget wouldn't be a problem.
Well, to really push towards 144 FPS at ultra settings in 1080p for games like GTA V, Hitman, DS3, etc the GTX 1070 seems to be the way to go.
If you don't mind dropping some of the settings you could get away with a lesser GPU such as the new RX 480, an R9 390, or a GTX 970 with FPS > 60.

FWIW I have a 144Hz monitor paired with an R9 280, in order for me to break 60 FPS in a lot of games I have to drop settings down. I personally prefer the better graphics at 45 FPS compared to the extra frames at 90 FPS. Games like CS:GO obviously, frames are king, but you don't have to worry about an upgrade for that.