iPad Pro vs Surface Pro 4 vs .... (for development)


Nov 15, 2015
Hey all,

Trying to find a lighter/smaller laptop/tablet/2-in-1 for travel purposes. I mostly code, so I'm looking for something that either works decently on Cloud9.IO, has a built-in terminal, or can at least run prompts.

I originally was looking at iPad Pro due to it's Cellular Data option, and it's ease of use, but the more I thought about it (and started researching) I realized I -really- need a terminal. Which brought me to Surface Pro 4, but command prompt isn't -really- terminal.

I'm trying to see people's opinions?

Mostly do Rails development, sometimes Node - Either way I can make extensive use of Cloud9, but supposedly C9.IO has poor iPad support.

Welcome any input.

Emanuel Elmo

Mar 21, 2014

you can always install tera term for your terminal use on the surface pro 4. I have a surface pro 3 and I need to connect to terminal gear via a 9 pin and use tera term to make changes and modifations to configs.