How come any one can unselect Best Answer now?

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I noticed that Any one now can unselect "best answer" outside the OP himself .. How is this normal ?

Many will abuse using it ... and they are ...

it Should be up to the OP himself to decide if he wants to unselect it or not ..

Because at least half of the OPs either don't know/don't care to select the best answer or may select it by accident and not know how to unselect it. Furthermore, now an answer made by the OP himself can be selected, which in some threads is actually the solution and could help people later on.

Abuse is up to the moderation team to deal with. The posting of threads can be abused too, does that mean we shouldn't let anyone post threads?



sorry , Giving this Authority to "any one" is simply wrong . even if the OP doesnt know , just let it pass , is far more better than giving ANY one the right to unselect opening the door to unmature behavior .. the downvote is enough for those who dont agree , giving any one the right to unselect is like giving new comers some Moderators rights .

by the way , people hate forums full of "reporting" ... they will just leave for better forums and nicer community. giving semi moderators rights to any one opens the door to conflict . and this forum is Turning slowly from "helping people" to fight wh is right and who is wrong , and just to win best answer counts . and by the way , OP get Annoyed and leave for other forums as well .. People want Answers to Choose from , not Fight between people ..

you think the OP will not get Angry for unselecting his choice ? is like telling him "you cant judge"
or telling him "you have poor judgement, let me teach you".. he will leave !

The best thing to do is keeping it in the OP hand , and let him decide , you convince him and he CHANGES IT.

Just my Opinion .
People argue, that's in our nature, much more so on the internet, and I really doubt it's ever about the "best answer counts". I find it really hard to believe that people would join this forum and spend hours every day trying to help people to get virtual "rewards" worth absolutely nothing. Sure, having a badge that says "CPU Master" is nice, but I don't think any of the regulars on this forum actually do it for the badges.

And hey, it's also pretty annoying when someone's having an issue, you spend 10 minutes writing up a long post on possible solutions (one of which is the correct one), then someone right under you writes "make komputor off & on" then that gets selected as the best answer. Many of us may not admit it but that kind of thing annoys everyone.

As for "people hating forums full of reporting", so far I haven't really seen anyone abuse being able to pick the best answer (I'm guessing mostly because you can't select your own answers), and have rarely ever had to report posts, and never because of answer selection abuse.

Arguing is one process by which a solution can be found. As long as people are willing to recognize problems with their own arguments for/against something, arguing can help narrow down possible problems.

Finally, I've never seen anyone unselect OP's choice except when they accidentally select one.


Well maybe you are not around much then ...

You think I am opened this thread for what then ? is my experience here .

There are many here after the best Answer count and after the badges ...

I think those badges should be cancelled all together , I promise you , take out the badges , half will disappear.

By the way , This "badges" System also deceives the OP into thinking he is talking with an expert , preferring hs opinion just for that badge , While this Forum does not test people for knowledge before giving them Badges ... This is called deception , I give you an example , one can Answer the Same right Question 10 times , and get a badge for repeating the same Answer . This does not make him an expert.

many People Who come here as you said are not PC experts , They decide looking at badges !

This is deception , and I wish Tomshardware reomeves this all together and be a normal forum again like all other Tech Forums ..

This Turned Tomshardware forum into kindergarten (in my opinion)...

one more thing :) some one told me here once "see my badge ? I know" ...

you know , people could Sue Tomshardware Legally for this "badge" system , giving false impressions to people that they are talking with experts , While they are talking with people who get 100 best answers just for repeating other people advice by monitorng without knowing the difference between Volt and Kg



Feb 4, 2016

I 100% agree on this. And also on the unselect issue. Now people who are butthurt for losing a best answer (happened to me) can just unselect you.

Well, thing is that "expert" is a very subjective and non-specific term. There's a big chain of tech stores in my country, but they only hire people with IT university degrees as techs (usually with no experience). As a result they usually don't know the first thing about any PC or other electronic device that they might be told to inspect, usually just giving very generic "solutions", denying that the problem actually exists, or just outright telling you to replace a component despite not being certain whether it's the actual source of the problem at all. My point is that the only way to distinguish an expert from someone who claims to know their shit is to judge based on their success, so the badge system makes sense as long as it doesn't feed the person's ego.

Of course, there will always be people that will try to prove the credibility of their solutions based on past success in different situations, that doesn't mean we should abolish the system altogether just to avoid such problems.

I doubt any lawsuit against the site based on the badge system would even make it to the courtroom mate. People can choose to come here and whether to listen to people or not, nobody's forcing them.


While I would probably wait until one of the Community Managers chimes in, my take on the Best Answer/Badge system is that it's like a reward system. Its intent is to encourage our community members to keep coming back and provide thoughtful and in-depth answers to the questions posted in the forums. The first time I got noticed that one of my answers was selected as the Best Answer, it scared the crap out of me (what the heck to I know?), but it did encourage me to continue sharing what knowledge I did have as well as encourage me to grow my understanding of computers.

Personally, I agree that some of the badges are awarded too soon and that they could probably be named better. I think everyone would agree that having five best answers for Linux does not make me a Linux "Expert"; given that I've barely used it, but let's use some common sense here as well. If you do not know the answer to a question, why are you posting in that thread anyway?

Additionally, as with any type of reward system, you will find a very small minority that will try to game the system and collect badges in an inappropriate manner. The Tom's Hardware Community frowns upon this and any anyone caught abusing this system is banned from the forums.

As for selecting and deselecting of Best Answers, we do have some general guidelines:

Selecting Best Answers is a privilege, left to the originators of a thread. You have the ability to select Best Answers because you've received five Best Answers yourself. However, there are rules for this (and we know, they're not clearly laid out).

1) Under no circumstance are you to select the Best Answer in an active thread you did not originate (active meaning answers within the past two months).

2) If the original poster of the thread has selected a Best Answer, under no circumstance are you to change that selection.

3) If a Best Answer has been selected by a member of Tom's Hardware and is clearly wrong, you may then select the correct Best Answer.

4) If the original poster of a thread has clearly marked an incorrect Best Answer, see rule #2.

In regards to the question of being able to deselect a Best Answer, that is covered in guideline #3 above. The Tom's Hardware Team will not select a Best Answer in any active thread (aside from those originated by us).

If you see a violation of any of the above guidelines, or ANY violation of the Tom's Hardware Terms of Use, report it to the Tom's Hardware Moderation team and we will look into it.

If you have an issue with any member of the Tom's Hardware Moderation Team, send a Private Message to the Assistant Community Manager with details and links to any issues/posts.

-Wolf sends



"you know , people could Sue Tomshardware Legally for this "badge" system , giving false impressions to people that they are talking with experts , While they are talking with people who get 100 best answers just for repeating other people advice by (sic) monitorng without knowing the difference between Volt and Kg "

Please do not provide legal opinions, particularly when they are completely wrong. Read the site Terms of Use and Sale ("Terms"), which you agreed to when you opened your account. They govern the relationship between you and the site owner.

You might want to particularly pay attention to §§ 5.2 and 6 of said Terms. Moreover, you should read the Forum FAQ again to refresh your understanding of the governing rules.

Perhaps you are new to the Internet and forums. One bit of advice that I will pass along to you: despite what may be generally believed by some, not everything you read on the Internet is true. Moderators here make great efforts to remove false factual information, and have banned users that continue down that path, however differing opinions are not only allowed but welcome.

Should you come across what you believe to be factually false information, please mark the post for moderator review.

Thanks for your concerns.



5.2 and 6 , talks about third parties services .. does not talk about you Labeling people as "experts" and presenting them as experts . You are Giving those people this "Certificate" Without testing their knowledge . so this is not "Third Party" any more . This is your forum giving "certificate" or a "badge" Claiming those people are "experts" and without YOU and NOT a Third Party , Those people would never be called "experts" . No Third party called them "experts"

I know how to read LEGAL TERMS very well . Thank you very Much .

I wish for Managers to reply to me not normal moderators please.

Deleted member 217926

Just to add one point.

How come any one can unselect Best Answer now?

This policy has been in place since early 2013 which is a year and a half before the OP joined the site. It's not a new policy.


Sue us? You may need to brush up on your legalese.

Refer to Section 6.4:

6.4 You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for all the User Content that you make available through the Site.

That means the users are responsible for the content they post, whether the content is valid or not.

Section 9, clause (d) also states that use of the site releases us from any liabilities

(d) arising from or related to our use of your User Content in the context of the Services; or

These forums are a service, offered to the users, who then post the content. Very little, if any, of the content comes from actual Purch staff.

“Badges” are not “certifications”. We are not an accredited educational institution and make no pretenses to be such. We cannot control how others interpret these superficial internet rewards. Badges are simply a superficial reward, much like achievements within a game. My Civilization 5 achievements seem to portray me as a superb military commander; does that then mean I’m qualified to lead men into battle? Can I sue Firaxis for false representation? No.

The idea that people need to be “tested” for their knowledge is absurd. At that point, it becomes a task for paid professionals. Ask yourself this: how many people would be willing to go through a screening process just to provide unpaid, voluntary help to people they don’t know?

Any content posted on this forum is fair game, and it is at the sole discretion of the users themselves as to whether they want to follow any advice provided to them. Sections 7 and 8 in our Terms of Use (you know, the parts in all caps) pretty much releases us from any legal liability and responsibility, as does Section 9.

The moderation team does what it can to ensure that any content posted is accurate, but obviously some slip through the cracks. The only other alternative is to have each and every single post approved by a moderator before being allowed to be viewed, which works for neither the mods nor the users.

And for the record, your concept of a “third party” is flawed. In this scenario, the first party is us, Purch, and the service we offer; the second party is the primary user. The “third party” is then every other user out there. Superficial titles and achievements/badges do not make them a representative of Purch.


first I did not say "I" will sue you , I said "people" mite sue ... I am just putting a remark here .

second , let me ask you .. is this your personal opinion or did you pass it to your Company lawyers team and they said so ?

And Finally , comparing it to Games ranks is not right .. you are a review TECH site and many people will think they are talking with true experts in your team from that badge .

I am trying to help you by the way . because I like Tomshardware .

Please ask your Lawyers . If they say there are no holes in it . I am fine with it .

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