Windows 10 Moving Documents/Downloads folders etc. and I accidentally deleted(?) my users folder

Joe boyd

Sep 19, 2014
Hello, I am trying to move my Documents/Downloads etc. folders from my SSD to my HDD and I accidently set the location of my desktop to my user folder (Named 'Joe'). I cannot move where the desktop is saved to and I cannot re-create the 'Joe' folder. Any idea how I can get back my original user folder? All other folders (Downloads etc.) have been successfully moved onto my SSD. My current 'Desktop' folder has AppData stored in it, but it still says that it's my desktop. I get an error when trying to move the desktop because it has AppData in it, which can't be moved.

The contents of my User folder:
It filled with 1gb of AppData:
Are you trying to make Windows work properly again, or just get back the data? If the latter, boot off a linux liveCD/USB and go looking for it.

I suspect the easiest way to fix it will be to reinstall.