Question about Nvidia GPU number notation


Oct 4, 2016
I've been recently looking to GPU upgrades and it's become clear that bigger numbers don't exactly mean better performance. GTX 600 series cards are still quite expensive while I've seen GTX 700s for cheaper, and the Desktop GPU Performance Hierarchy Table on this site has 500 series being listed above 700s as well.

I'm vexed. Is power level determined by the tens place number or something?
Well,.its complex. For gaming properly, any x70 and up is fine. Look for current or previous gen only, don't go further back.

Having said that, Pascal has seen a big jump, where the xx60 is in line with the x70 from previous gen.

So, for eg, high end old card will be better than current gen lower end. Eg, 780ti>960.

And yes, a 580> some rubbish 740.