403 error feedback.

im getting these 403 errors lately.

i will specific with screenshots.

the problem:

since about a week the forum isnt working for me anymore properly.
im getting these errors. https://gyazo.com/e69ad87391821112bd52a4330127e3a5

i get them if :

i click something in the live feed.

this was happening cosistantly 4-5 days ago now sometimes.

and i get the 403 error a 100% if i google an old topic, like the no psot no boot topic or psu 2.0

my location is the netherlands, and my browser is google chrome version: 49.0.2623.75 m

if i can provide more info i will lsit it here, hope this is detailed enough.

edit: using addblocker version 3.5.0

edit 2 : updated chrome to the latest version 54.0.2840.99 m (64-bit)
problems seem to be solved, no longer getting the error.

hope the feedback is still useful.

edit 3: its still happening :( also when i want to log in https://gyazo.com/90240c137970b4fb762e2e7f013b222b