Free sync vs high response time


Oct 14, 2016
Hi, im currently on process to buy a monitor and ,finally, it all boils down to 2 of these.
(*pssst:im poor guy, this is my limited choice, its very/completely limited to these, somehow)

First one :
only 60hz refresh rate. - just ok for gaming
No free syns or g -sync. - will it be still affective/had potential as gaming monitor?
It have TN panel. - mehhhhh
2ms response time. + damn good for gaming(better by 2.5)

Second one:
better 75hz refresh rate + wowww, 25% improvements
With free sync. + great for gaming
IPS panel + nice
5ms response time - shit,here's the drawback

Other specs were equals,inc warranty ,which is 3 years.

SO IT IS ABOUT ,FREE SYNC WITH 5MS VS 1MS WITH NO SYNC, which would be better for gaming????
help me.

I care for visual quality, but at same time i want to play games comfortably(wont exceed 80fps barrier), which means i cant tolerate screen tear,or even worse, input lag and stutters,especially at low fps!!!!!!.
So,which is good for gaming?

I purposely did not specifiy the monitor because i want to know which set of feature is worthy.Because there are many monitors but all were kinda categorised in above pattern.

One more question, try to help,, why is there only monitors with 24inch and above, have these free syncs and gsync?
Does size have anything to do with t?I mean in theory,they may not, but in practice?

Does bigger monitor have additional latency, such that no matter how good is the response time,
they still perform poor, n thus need syncing technologies? Just my thoughts , im not a genius.