Computer Building Maniac! Question included...


Jul 30, 2014
Hey, I'm Ryan.

I've done a few custom builds over the years for PC building but one of my biggest frustrations is that I am always limited to a frame. What I think I want to be able to to is to design and to design hard! Assuming I had the right resources I could build a phenomenal computer system that wasn't necessarily like anyone had ever seen before but would be efficient and catchy and unique and incredible. I've always like the idea of designing a computer with a kind of wood-frame housing because the first thing people always do when they hear that is go, "wood!? What!?" which makes me laugh. If someone tells me something is impossible then the first thing I want to do with that is break it, make what is impossible, a reality.

I want to build a computer, but I don't want to buy a case from Fry's or online, I want to build the case myself. I want 4 way SLI of GTX 1080s and a 2000 watt PSU and a 10 core 4 GHZ at non-OC CPU and I just want to break the boundaries of what is feasible and step into the waters of "jeez what an incredible build!!!" just because I love building. But I think most people don't share my vision or passion. Is there a way to get the resources to be able to build openly from imagination or is that just really not practical? Even if I didn't get to keep the build myself, I just want to build and build and build and it drives me crazy! Do I have TOO MUCH passion!?

My friend from Facebook linked me this page:

And I guess my point is I just want to find a way to out-design Red Harbinger and Digital Storm and FrozenCPU and MSI and Asus and whoever else is ambitious about building. I want to perhaps join them and then surpass them to make something even greater and greater and greater until I can satisfy my craving for raw computerized fire-breathing dragon power, but I don't know if i can ever get there. Like I said, I am limited to my own humanity as a builder but as a mean matter of irony my mind and imagination seems to not have those same limitations.



Key sentence:

"Is there a way to get the resources to be able to build openly from imagination or is that just really not practical?"

The words you use: "and catchy and unique and incredible" are subjective. Both to you and to anyone looking at your creation.

Frankly, if you follow k1114's suggestion you are at liberty to try and risk whatever you wish.

If the computer is technically functional anything beyond that moves into the realm of "art".

"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration." Thomas Edison.

The only way to know what you can do is go for it and try. In your situation that means taking on any number of risks. And multiple times over. Not at all an unusual "circumstance" for pioneers/artists in any field.

Create and put it out there for the world to see. Accept the risk of failure. Be willing to try again.

Someone may recognize your talent and request some custom setup. You may not like it but "beauty is in the eye of beholder". And that applies to customers.... Do what they want. They are providing the resources. I.e., paying.

Many artists do work they would rather not do but do that work in order to survive and pursue their own dreams and ideas.

Just of matter of the personal ego and the risks (financial and otherwise) that you are willing to take and absord.



Jul 30, 2014
Thank you for those responses. I think with my next build I'm going to start hybrid SLI-ing graphics cards and create a computer frame from scratch including controls for both light and the computer's fans. I'm thinking about taking out another loan to be able to get some things going, but I think I'm going to move up to two-way SLI of GTX 1080 hybridized cards as well as Intel's 10 Core i7 processor. I'll let you know how it goes when I've completed it. :)
What do you mean hybrid sli? I think you are confusing terms. Hybrid sli is using the mobo igpu with a dgpu and they don't do that anymore. I can understand saying hybrid gpus which are gpus with air and wc but maybe you mixed that term too.


Jul 30, 2014
Speaking of which, I am currently looking at the Hybrid 1080s and there are a lot of different brands on Amazon (prime member). Any known-good recommendations on whether I should be looing at the EVGA or the MSI or the Zotac or the Gigabyte version? Thank you guys for the support. Today I am $500 up and just that much closer towards being able to upgrade.