port forwarding and dmz doesn't work...


Feb 27, 2017
hello, so i tried looking up the internet for ways to solve and understand what the problem is (i have been doing it for over a week) and i found nothing i contacted my ISP and tried to ask them if they are causing the ports not to open and they said it should be opened, i tried to both dmz and port forward the port im trying to open is 25565 and i have a server opened but no one can access it using my external ip and the port, i hope you here can help me out to figure our what is not working correctly i also checked few times if my ip is correct in the port forward and it's OK plz help me im kinda desperate already...
First of all, dont put a computer in DMZ, this makes it completely open and unprotected.

What router are you trying to setup for port forwarding, you likley have the configuration wrong.
IP: this is the local computer's IP address, this needs to be made into a static IP otherwise it will be changed by the router over time
Local Port: this is the port the server applicaiton is configured to listen for
Remote Port: this is the port that the router is listening for to route traffic to the computer. Typically Remote and Local Port are the same but in some instances they have to be different (in your case they should be the same).


Feb 27, 2017
i did it all as you said and i have an exception for this port in the firewall, in the inbound rules my configuration is good i checked everywhere and i did the same as everyone does it, btw thanks for the help

If you go to portforwarding.com and lookup your router and (I am assuming minecraft bassed off your port number) you can find a guide for it.

Is your server's IP address set to static IP?
What is your ISP/country?


Feb 27, 2017
i live in israel and my ISP is bezeq, i saw the portforwarding.com guide.. did exactly what is said