PC Insurance Experince Anybody?


Nov 8, 2015
So - I've been searching for a way to cover my computer in case of theft or straight up buggery. I live in a area where crappy power and crappy people make for the natural instinct to want to protect my expensive stuff.

Has anybody ever insured their PC? I know some people have PC's that cost more than some cars.
I figured someone must have insured their PC.

I have no experience with insurance yet...Luckily


<Language, please. Thanks>
yes to homeowner/renters insurance. Though be sure to keep a copy of all the receipts for the purchase of the PC, plus pictures to increase your odds your insurance doesn't try to stiff you.

Yeah if you have bad power then invest in a UPS. Doesn't have to big one that provides hours of power. You just need a simple one that will help clean up the power.
yes to homeowner/renters insurance. Though be sure to keep a copy of all the receipts for the purchase of the PC, plus pictures to increase your odds your insurance doesn't try to stiff you.

Yeah if you have bad power then invest in a UPS. Doesn't have to big one that provides hours of power. You just need a simple one that will help clean up the power.