Did I achieve a 16K resolution in Threads of Fate? If not, did I actually go higher or lower?


Jun 8, 2015
I spent a good 20 hours messing around with ePSXe and I finally found the combination of settings that looked beautiful but also stayed above 30 FPS. I'm playing Threads of Fate. My question is, what exactly did I actually do to make the game look as good as it looks now?
used the updated Pete's OpenGL Tweak plugin
I don't know that much about computer graphics, but I have a lot of practice messing with graphics settings to get nice visuals, and correct me if I'm wrong but I got close to a 16K resolution now right? because 2715x1527x4= (somewhere around 1920x1080x15.7)
I'm also using 8x anti-aliasing in nvidia control panel (over-ride) + 8x super-sample



Threads of fate is my favorite game ever. It was the first game I ever played. I'm planning to upload my entire playthrough to YT when I'm done :D

my specs for those who are curious:
Windows 10 64-bit
EVGA GTX 970 4GB super-clocked edition
intel i5 4690K 3.5 Ghz


Jun 8, 2015
Question from beakerboy66 : "How do console emulators work? (ePSXe 2.0.5)"

I recently played through Threads of Fate on ePSXe 2.0.5 and it was amazing. I played Threads of Fate many years ago on a PS1 and on ePSXe it was like a whole new game due to the amount of detail and visual clarity the emulator gave me.

But as someone who does not study computer science, I really am curious how the emulator worked its magic here. The steps I followed were: install emulator, install BIOS, install video / audio plug-in, optimized settings for best quality, and then played. I used this plugin called Pete's OpenGL 2.3 Tweaks and it let me scale the internal resolution up by 400 percent, it's insane.



Jun 8, 2015
Question from beakerboy66 : "Threads of Fate (1999) in 16K Resolution turned into an Anime ('Game Movie')"

This game is my favorite game so to honor it I got it up to basically a 16K resolution with various things and I'm uploading the 'game movie' to youtube in highest possible quality (each baked file is 40 gigabytes on average...)

Threads of Fate is like an anime TV series the way I edited it so don't worry, it's much better to watch than to play.

it's 7 hours long, not 100 percent uploaded yet, but you can watch the first half right now if you wish. It's very sad, I actually cry in many parts so be prepared for the feels. What is it about? It's about Rue, a 'mysterious boy' who is on a quest for a mystical object called 'the Relic'. The Relic has the power to grant any wish! Why is Rue on this quest? I can't tell ya that, watch the first 'episode' to find out :D


To those not sure how this came to be 16K, It's a combination of internal and external factors that net 16K, will explain but first, I have to explain what K means i guess. When we talk about gaming resolutions that end in K we are mostly just saying "number of pixels in 1080p resolution multiplied by the number before the k"

so 4K means 4 times the number of pixels in a 1080p resolution.

in this case, there's roughly 15.6 times the number of pixels of a 1080p resolution. So it would be fair to say 16K :p

the emulator (ePSXe) has a special video plug-in called Pete's OpenGL 2.3 Tweaks. This video plug-in has built-in functionality to increase a game's internal rendering resolution (Shadow of Mordor can do this, for example). It goes all the way up to 400 percent. I started with a base desktop resolution of 2715x1527 via Nvidia Dynamic Super Resolution, from there I used the max 4x internal rendering resolution, and if you work out those numbers it is 2715x1527x4=16,583,220 total pixels. 1080p has only 2,073,600

I would have used a base of 3840x2160 (4k) and did 400 percent of that! But, the emulator was not able to support a resolution this high, and it didn't work. I'm very happy of what was possible anyway.