Can the OP override a mod's Solution pick for a question?

And, in that thread...the non-OP should not have selected it, or any reply, as the Solution. At all.
If it ain't your thread...leave it be.



There is no hard locked "allotted time".
But...IF you are the OP, and IF the currently selected answer is really, really wrong....then maybe.
And generally with a comment in there of why the previously selected one was 'wrong'.

Do you have a specific thread in mind for this?

I blame ADD, which I have. My apologies, AGAIN.

It's more of an opinion based question and not a factual one. Coincidentally, I wanted to select your answer.



Generally, you just leave what the OP selected.
Especially in a thread like that one, where it is more of an opinion thing rather than a strict "Answer"

Consider this:
Question: "Is an i7 4790k a stronger CPU than a Pentium 4?"
Answer 1: "Yes"
Answer 2: "No, because a lot of incorrect handwaving and 3.8GHz is faster than 3.4GHz"

Answer 2 gets selected as the "Solution"
That would be a case where it the selection is categorically 'wrong'.

But just leave it.
State your case in a reply, and move on.