What is a good way to make a win10 backup?


Apr 3, 2013
After a devastating system failure I've learned my lesson.

Taking this as opportunity to finally upgrade from win7 to win10, I'm now looking to do things the right way.

I'm weary of the built-in windows backup.

How do I best set things up so that I can easily reinstall the O/S without much effort?

I will be wanting to create a full system backup every time I have burned-in a new software installation, be it traditional application or a game.

The scenario I want to protect against is full loss of system, SSD failure, MBR corruption... in other words: FUBAR scenarios.

I'm weary of windows backup because it failed me before. Also I'm hoping not to have to reinstall from scratch but essentially copy the system disk fully so I keep all settings and customizations intact. A traditional reinstall would cost me hours in customizations, services configuration etc.

For example, I install game software to a dedicated drive, and a new system install should not necessitate reinstalling the games because local settings and app settings would ostensibly be part of my backup data and remain intact after the procedure.

I have several drives hooked up to SATA and in the nuclear option I imagine I will be booting off a USB thumb drive and run some tool to check disk health and copy my latest stable system to the designated partition.

What tools (hopefully free) and what process and output should be employed to achieve this?
