How to save a whole or partial website for offline accessibility -- Automatically, not manually


Sep 23, 2017
My problem: I have a section of a website that I use extensively but do not always have internet connection for accessing it.

Platform: Windows 10 and Ubuntu Studio Linux 16.10 dual boot

My goal: I would like to be able to save this section of website for offline browsing independent of OS i.e. I do not want to have to manually cache the entire section of web pages in browsers on both OS'es - once would be quite a long time but to then need to redo for my other OS... ugg. I'm aware I could just use one OS when using the site but I don't want to get into a situation where I have to reboot just to use the cached pages unless I have to.

What I know: There is a way to cache webpages manually for offline browsing within your browser.

My concerns: Is this legal or in any way considered copyright infringement, provided the website is free to access and is public domain?
Possibly this?

But, what is your interaction with the site? If simply "reading", then it may work.
But if you are wanting to interact with it more in depth, off-line will not work.


Sep 23, 2017
@USAFRet, my interaction is read-only. I'm wanting to make the study part of a bible studying website available offline regardless of my connection status. HTTrack provides exactly what I need for my interaction with the website - strictly informational. The software actually has a function where it will update the downloaded website domain, which will be a nice easy way to occasionally update my stored copy for any changes or additions. Thanks very much for the suggestion!