Respawn Entertainment, Pixar Lead List Of Upcoming Titles For Oculus Rift

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May 31, 2014
I have *got* to be missing something.

All I see in the articles from the Oculus briefs is:

1. 'Strap a phone to your face' unit that allows you to play crappy phone games with cartoon graphics. I get some folks are into that, so, ok.
2. No announced successor to the rift. Next chance at an announcement would be Oculus 5 next fall, yes? Meaning no actual hardware until 2019.
3. Three, that's right, three, games announced, or 'highlighted', or however you want to say it, which somehow amounts to a "...continued stream of content, especially games...". Nothing else for them to note? Is it that bad?

So to sum up, nothing to replace the rift until 2019, at the earliest, and still only scant games for it (unless your into simplistic cartoony goofy "games", but nothing considered 'mainstream' or 'AAA' type games).

Please tell me what I am missing. Or is this all just code for "buy a rift now because nothing better is coming until 2020"?

Another possibility is that they are simply keeping quiet about a Rift successor until the new year, to keep people buying their headsets through the holiday shopping season, after which they will announce...

"Oh, hay guys! There's a new Rift coming later this year! The one you just got is obsolete, so pre-order now!" : D

If the upcoming Windows 10 VR headsets prove to be reasonable competition to the Rift and Vive, it's seems likely that those companies will have new devices within a year or so.


Nov 1, 2010
Respawn Entertainment, the studio that created the popular Titanfall series.
Popular is an overstatement. Titanfall SHOULD be popular, but the 1400 concurrent players I see every evening in the Eastern Time Zone says otherwise. It's so sad to see BF and COD pull in larger player bases with lower-quality games.

But back to the point. Sad they didn't release any details about their forthcoming game, but this is the first time I've been interested in VR. Hope it lives up to their reputation.

Those games are in addition to all the things that have already been announced. Brass Tactics, From Other Suns and so on.
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