Upgrading to a higher refresh rate monitor and need help with choice


Dec 28, 2016
I want to upgrade from a 1080p 60hz 27" to anything that has 1440p 144hz and at least 24". I don't mind about features like g-sync being available as i probably wont use it. Please could you give me suggestions or recommendations
These are some i've been looking at:
1. https://www.ebuyer.com/755825-acer-predator-xb241yu-23-8-wqhd-gaming-monitor-um-qx1ee-001?mkwid=s_dc&pcrid=51482416139&pkw=&pmt=&gclid=CjwKCAjwpfzOBRA5EiwAU0ccN-adReiKiuO9G54UczlT2SKo_vT2Az7UaIy64njOvewvb1ZK7DLb1BoCi24QAvD_BwE
2. https://www.overclockers.co.uk/acer-xf240yubmiidprzx-24-2560x1440-tn-freesync-144-hz-gaming-widescreen-led-zeroframe-monitor-blac-mo-11h-ac.html

My specs:
Gtx 1070
i5 4690k
16gb ram
1tb hdd
Well the Acer Predator XB241YU would make more sense with your build considering it's gsync and you have an nvidia GPU. The other monitor is freesync, you wont be able to use freesync with a 1070.