How about we get rid of autoplay ads?


Jan 23, 2014
Im not talking about getting rid of ads altogether, site's gotta earn cash somehow tho given how much "contests" and "giveaways", i have my doubts (especially when contests are for UK visitors only while whole world generates money from ads...).

Nevertheless, autoplay ads are obnoxious, annoying, irritating. This is the fact. You are browsing site in a silent environment and BOOM, idiotic add starts playing even sooner than whole website loads.

You have to constantly be on alert and check all time if you have your sound muted (god forbid you listen to your own music).

And not only ads, now i see that every article i go, tom's hardware is forcing on me some "watch us play X game" 2 hour video that of course also starts playing on its own.

The choices are two, tom's hardware starts to consider getting rid of autoplay videos (whether they are ads or just videos that come with ads on beginning) so people don't get irritated by them yet they still see static image ads on every page.
The second one is me and probably many other users will start using more strict Adblock/origin rules and disable every single ad on page in result. Not necessary because of ads being annoying but simply to save data because auto playing videos do consume transfer and not everyone is hooked up on wifi/ethernet.

Thats all.

ps. Smart move on designing your gallery "articles" in a way that simply going to next image forces reload of whole page just to refresh ads so they get more views altogether.
I stop these autoplay ads with Noscript in Firefox and uMatrix in Chrome. By the way. With the changes in Firefox Quantum. Noscript has changed drastically. You need to edit the default settings to block scripts on new sites automatically. Which is counterintuitive. What's the point of being able to disable scripts after they have run as the default?

That page has an autoplay video. Gotta love the irony.

Also the "Disable HTML5 Autoplay" extension mentioned in the article is no longer maintained by the developer.

Mark RM

I whitelist the site for static ads because .. revenue, I get it and not only that, the ads are relevant to my buying patterns, I buy a lot of gear in a year. But that autoplay thing.... no.Just No.

Ublock Origin, go to Options --> My filters.
Add in two like so:

Note this blocks all jwplayer stuff from playing but there's no site I use that requires it. It's easy to reverse for a minute anyhow should there be need.


Apr 14, 2015
The auto play videos are really really annoying. I don't want to see some 10 minute unrelated video, I want to read the article. I like others have just blocked them - it's either that or I stop visiting your site altogether.

On another note the other really irritating thing about toms is when you click on a link it keeps asking if I want to be given updates (I don't). Why it's so annoying however is because I am browsing the home page and I middle mouse clicked to open an article in a separate tab, but this popup overrides that behaviour instead opening the article in the same tab. This means I have to then go back, wait for the home page to reload and then click again to get the article in a separate tab.

Between that and the popup ads it's almost like you are trying to drive customers away from your site.