G-Sync vs Freesync Monitors


Dec 3, 2017
I am looking for an upgrade for my PC and have decided on getting a 144hz monitor. I have heard that G-sync as a feature costs much more than Freesync or standard. My question is if I find two 144hz monitors for the same price, but one has G-sync and the other does not, is it potentially better to get the one without G-sync as it has done something to be worth the same amount as the G-sync version?
I am currently using a GTX 960, which I know is getting pretty outdated for games now, but due to circumstance that will be what I upgrade after the monitor.
I also understand that a freesync monitor would not be adding anything over a standard monitor with a Nvidia GPU, but I can adapt to that once I am sure that I am happy with my monitor.
Thanks for helping
1. You will never find gsync monitor that has same price as freesync monitor :)
2. Gsync+GTX GPU or Freesync+AMD GPU
3. For 960, any monitor is fine.
4. For 144 Hz, get GTX 1070+ 1080p Gsync monitor, which will guarantee best performance. Vega just doesn't cut it. Without Gsync, try Vsync/fast sync or other similar tools to get rid of stuttering is possible, but will be worse than gsyncs.
1. You will never find gsync monitor that has same price as freesync monitor :)
2. Gsync+GTX GPU or Freesync+AMD GPU
3. For 960, any monitor is fine.
4. For 144 Hz, get GTX 1070+ 1080p Gsync monitor, which will guarantee best performance. Vega just doesn't cut it. Without Gsync, try Vsync/fast sync or other similar tools to get rid of stuttering is possible, but will be worse than gsyncs.