Please help me , I am desperate , anybody please help me !!


Dec 17, 2017
So from a week my screen flashes in games , any game I play after 5-10 minutes starts to flash and flicker , i tried everything , the pc is new , and the monitor I think its fine because i took care of it and on youtube or anything besides gaming it works normally , what is wrong with it ? Please help , i tried activating v-sync , reinstalling windows , drivers , i putted everything in the nvidia control panel to performance , i don't know what is wrong with it , here is a video with how it does in Far cry 3 :(it does badly but i couldn't capture it on my phone
Video link:
in the bios look at your three power rails make sure the 12v rail is above 12v. download hardware info 64 bit set it to logging and sensor watch your power supply rails.