Should i wait for B450

May 11, 2018
Hello there !

So, i'm currently building a new rig for myself. I'm a bit impatient and was waiting G-cards to coldown i saw new Razen Zen+ comming... And B450 motherboard would have follow soon enough , where i currently heading for...
And then B450 leaks...
Using the old motherboard realse, how do you think B450 will be ?
For my impression, B350 and B450 wont be mutch different.

The difference for me is, i could go with a ombo 2600x B450 versus (current choice) 1600x B350.
It's possible to flash the B350 to get the 2600x to work but i can't do it cause i dont have any Ryzen CPU...

So to generalize the topic, should i wait for B450 and spend more money or the difference between B350 et B450 wont worth it and i should spend more money on GPU or Ram for example.
In terms of "features" honestly i don't think their will be any difference, maybe precision boost 2 support ?

Thanks for taking the time to answer me !

Have fun peeps !