Looking for ideas to earn some cash.

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Jun 11, 2018
Hi, I don't know if this would be the place to ask but im currently in a tight spot right now. Im as of age 15 right now and i was looking to get into building pc's i have a little bit of a background in building them so i know what im doing for the most part. But im curious how i should go about trying to get some money for doing things with computers. Any ideas?
Advertisement is the key to get customers, so print flyers of your "business", ask your neighbours if they have problems with computers, talk to a local computer/service stores, if they could need a helping hand.

Most of the time software/app installation, like Mail, anti virus, setting up windows would be a good way to get in touch with people. If they wanna upgrade their system or wanna buy a new one, you can get one for their needs or get them an advise what to upgrade.
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