Does Tom's hardware delete questions that don't violate guidelines or TOS?

I asked a question regarding not being able to log in and the question is gone.

Adblocker(ABP) is blocking logins. I have a guess who is being overzealous.

EDIT: The question was answered by a mod who also asked a question. Chrome and FF. The mod said nothing about a problem.
The deletion is probably connected to the earlier issues I experienced. 1st time in 7 years that I saw this suggests there was an issue earlier. Having my question deleted and not being able to log in on the same day? Yep.

BTW, Ad block plus is blocking logins. I had to disable it to log in(thanks to the geek). My routine hasn't changed so either Tom's or ABP's did.

On my side it is gone. I searched the author and the new thread box and neither have old question.
We (and you) can see history of deleted posts, in the grey text at the bottom of each post. I can confirm that that thread wasn't deleted.

For what it's worth, Moderators can't stop you logging into your account. Senior mods used to be able to force reset your password, but that's not possible any more.