Is 27" too large for gaming?


Mar 8, 2011

I am in the process of buying parts for a new build. I am hoping those who have experiencing using a 27" monitor have found them too large?

I am currently debating 24" vs. 27"

Any model recommendations would be most welcome as well.

Thank you!
i game on a 40" lcd 1920x1080.

is it too large? yes and no.

in general text, and everything else might not appear as clear as on a smaller monitor of the same resolution (because of pixel density) however everything is much larger.

rpgs, strategy games, sports games, etc all act in much the same way as normal monitors.

fps games are harder to adapt to. on smaller screens your eyes focus directly on the center of the screen area (which usually equals the screen area) so you don't have to rely on perepheral vision at all to respond to movement. on a large screen the effect can be overpowering at first and you must learn to use perepheral vision to see the edges of the screen. i prefer playing fps on a smaller monitor but for my general useage (other games, movies, web) the large monitor works fine.

for quality a monitor like the dell 30" is superior, however at much personal expense. ($1000+). i would have went that route if i didnt require my screen to be half computer/half movie theatre as that resolution would make even bluerays look inadequate at fullscreen.
i used to play on my 20.1" (1600x1200) all the time. this size fits perfectly into non-perepheral vision making it great for fps. i haven't used a 22"(1920x1080) for gaming but you might not have the whole picture in non-perepheral if you sit too close to the monitor. while this isn't game breaking it is a very very slight handicap. for games besides fps the monitor does fine although after using a larger monitor i like how big everything is.

in short: the minimum i'd go is 20" or 22". anything smaller might be too small. if you play games other than fps then a 24" might be a little nicer depending upon how good your vision is and how far you sit from your monitor.