nvidia 280 price drop US$499.99 (€318/£252)


Nov 19, 2007
[Online retailer Newegg has already dropped the prices of some of its Geforce GTX 280 and 260 card and the price drop is a lot more than expected. Asus and MSI GTX 280 cards are already listed for as little as US$499.99 (€318/£252), but as if that wasn't good enough, Asus is offering a $30 mail-in rebate and MSI is offering a $40 one.

This means that you can get the MSI card for as little as US$459 (€293/£232) which is really going to put some pressure on AMD. Cards from other manufacturers seem to be selling for anything between $519 and $729.99, so the price cut hasn't taken effect across the board as yet.

GTX 260 cards haven't dropped quite as much in price, but you can pick up an MSI card for $299.99 (€191/£151) which is still a very good deal, although most of the other cards listed are selling for between $329.99 and $429.99.

Hopefully this price drop will follow suite across the pond in Europe as well, but time will tell if there'll be as much of a price cut outside of the US.

Update: It turns out that the MSI mail-in rebate is available for its GTX 260 card as well and both offers are available until the end of the month, this makes the MSI card even cheaper at $259.99 (€165/£131). All you have to do is go to this website and register your purchase and you get the money back from MSI.]

from fudzilla

ur going to be pissed if uv just got one or even two for $600
just shows how much they make on them or do you think they are selling them at a loss


Sep 3, 2007
They better keep going down. They stil arent worth it compared to what ATI has to offer for bang:buck ratio.

I think ATI should drop $50 to put more heat on. ATI/AMD learned a lesson on pricing after Intel put the price war on them. If they are smart they will do to Nvidia what Intel did to AMD.


Nov 27, 2007
A friend of mine in Seattle got the GTsuX 280 on friday for $610 ...damn he's gonna be pissed....

anyhow apparently he hears a jet engine every time he plays Crysis ...lmao ... i would never spend $500 for GTsuX.

*Somewhere in a brown box the bunch of 4870X2 yell: THIS IS SPARTA!!!!*


Apr 5, 2008

OK. Let's stop the Kool-Aid drinking session by now, shall we?


Drop prices? Have you guys looked at newegg today? Many 4850s have $25-$30 rebates on them, bringing them down to ~$175-$180. PRICE WAR, PRICE WAR. God this great!.

I'm not impressed with a 280 at $499/$459. To much for a card that is barely better then one that costs $299. A 260 at $259 is a little better, but I'd probably still get the $175 4850. 10% slower, and almost $80 cheaper.

With the heating probalem of their 48xx serie ATI better lowered their overpriced overheating cards.

First, the temps top out at 80, which is the same as my x1800XT. Second, unlike the GTX 260/280, at least those temps are going out the back of the case, instead of into it. Third, have you heard how loud the GTX cards are? I think its actually worse then the FX5800. (assuming your old enough to remember those cards.)
Ya know, Im lovin Toms. I was on a different site, and I watched as these guys actually started believing because the prices have dropped on the nVidiacards, that now, not only were the prices better, but somehow, the cards are noqw too LOL I couldnt belive what I was reading. No wonder they started selling those thing at 700 bucks, some people are just mesmerised


Nov 19, 2007
yes iv been an ati fanboy most of my adult life but now the GTsuX has had a price drop i can see now iv been mislead by ati all them years i repent come back nvidia all is forgiven


Jun 28, 2008
I really hope nVidia suffers a bit, so it learns to treat its customers better.
Currently I have one EVGA 8800 Ultra. The card is great and I was considering getting another one for SLI.
However, I've checked Newegg and found the price is $519! That's ridiculous! Checking Compusa and Tigerdirect, I found close prices.
One of the reasons why you get a SLI/Cross Fire system is the possibility of upgrading your computer in the near future without having to order a new video card and throwing away your old one.
For this to make sense, prices have to go down as new cards hit the market.
nVidia not only didn't reduce the prices on 8800 Ultra/GTX cards, but it has also made it more difficult to find them.
This is outrageous.
ATI has been much more respectful, keeping the market supplied with it's older cards, and at reasonable prices.
I've made my mind: my next mobo will be Intel (thanks God I'll get rid of those noisy fans over the chipset) and my next card will be ATI.
I really hope AMD manages to catch intel on CPU front so we'll all benefit from another real player.
nVidia, you better face it: competition is here. Change the way you work or you're out.



Unfortunately that's mostly a misconception about SLI. In theory, it sounds like a great plan. But more often than not, later on down the line, buying that second card new will not be the best option available. G92 owners have had it good so far in buying a second card. G80 owners, not so good.



Jun 28, 2008

You're right, it sounds like a good plan and it isn't.
The point is that it should be.
Think about it: how many of us really buy a system with 2 or more video cards from the start? Generally the best choice when putting a system together is a single powerful card instead of 2 less powerful ones, if you take in consideration price, performance and energy consumption.
If the best move in the future is always to upgrade you card, and not going SLI later, what's the point in buying a sophisticated and expensive mobo with 680/780/790 chipset?
Just go for a cheap Via mobo.
It may be a misconception about SLI, but it shouldn’t be. Cross Fire has not been.


well with the gt200 refresh... the prices should drop further and they will be able to squeeze some more performance out of it...

but in this refresh... the best thing they can do is add more fill processors or whatever the 4870 has that the gt200 doesn't... and add gddr5... if they did that the card would fly...



Jan 25, 2008
HIJACK ALERT ok not really but here goes, I have a 8800 GTS (G92) 512mb, and im looking at the ati 4870, and thinking, eh, i paid 300 for this card in january, why not 300 now for the 4870, now heres the question, how much of a improvement in speed am i going to see, keep in mind im also upgrading to a 27.5" monitor, and will play it at the 1900x1200 resolution.


May 25, 2008

MADNESS!?!?!?!? This is Tom's Hardware!!! *kicks romulus into the GPU of death*