Nvidia is Looking Forward to Fight Intel in Court

Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang is a bold leader who doesn't appear to be afraid of Intel. In fact, in a recent interview, Huang told Fortune that he's looking forward to the court date with Intel.

In fact, the CEO said that he's confident that Nvidia will prevail over Intel when things are presented before a judge. The interviewer asked Huang if the company had considered a settlement with Intel, but the CEO said that there wasn't any reason to go that route as Intel's argument for its control over the chipset business is "completely nonsense."

Check out the interview video clip here (via Engadget).

Some background reading on the lawsuits:

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • chickenhoagie
    sooo wait..nvidia is mad at intel because intel creates chipsets for almost all motherboards? Nvidia makes video and graphics products..not chipsets..i dont get it
  • chickenhoagie
    let me rephrase..nvidia should STICK TO making just video and graphics products and not chipsets..because why would they want to make chipsets?
  • gekko668
    Nvidia Vs. Intel - FIGHT
  • frozenlead
    In the video, Nvidia's CEO is talking about Intel hampering their ability to put GPUs in notebooks, citing that the chips are too big and power hungry.

    Is that the reason the newest GPU Nvidia has for notebooks is still a G92 part? What does that have to do with Intel?

    Also, Nvidia lost out on chipsets because theirs sucked compared to Intel's...AFAIK, that's pretty fair.
  • mister g
    Short explanation, please don't flame me, Nvidia's GPU's are starting to have more computing power than CPUs, hence CUDA's ability to offload complex calculations to the GPU that wold just take a long time on CPU. So Intel feels threatened, hence the end of their somewhat close partnership late last year. AMD must be just smirking right now, their two biggest rivals duking it out at each other. Though if the GPU in the future can't co-exist with CPU AMD's CPUs are also in trouble, wait they have Stream.
  • mister g
    Woops, chipsets, my bad. Intel beat out Nvidia when it released X58 which mostly came with 2 x16 PCI-e slots, before that only Nvidia's come default with that many for SLI.
  • UbeRveLT
    This is just silly bickering. Intel wants control and so does NVIDIA. They will both whinge about the other not letting them do what they want. This sorta crap goes on all day everyday with most competing companies.
  • AMW1011
    Please, oh please, let Intel win this one.

    No more nVidia chipsets, no... just no...

    Besides if nVidia totally gives up on the chipset business AMD might be able to enable SLI on their boards, which is the best case scenario for both AMD and the consumer.

    But really, no nVidia chipsets, never again...
  • UbeRveLT
    I honestly thought the NVIDIA chipsets where awesome. The Nforce 2 was sooo much better than any of the crap that was competing against it. The 680i was fantastic IMHO.
  • thrust2night
    I want Nvidia to win this. Intel has definitely strong-armed them out of the desktop chipset business. Whether Nvidia chipsets are great or not, they were a competitor and losing them only makes things worse. Look at how long Intel is taking to implement USB 3 and SATA 6 on their motherboards. Less competition only hurts consumers.