Ryzen 5 1600, Bottleneck rx 560?


Feb 4, 2018
I've decided i'm going to upgrade to a ryzen 5 1600, Its gonna be so worth it, But im worried about bottlenecking. I'm running a rx 560 4gb right now and i'm wondering, If i do get the 1600 is there gonna be any bottlenecking? Thanks
nope, the other way around. 1600 can handle any gpu pretty well. Bottleneck is when one part is significantly weaker than the other. In this case, GPU is weaker than CPU if you use 8700k and 1070 as the reference point for 1080p gaming.

What rig do you have atm? Games to play?


Aug 12, 2017
SgtScream not everybody has unlimited money. He is making a thread exactly for cpu not for a gpu. And i think its a good balance with the rx560. With this setup he will run games at high preset over 70 fps no problem

I'm not sure where you're getting these numbers from. But i'd like you to tell me one triple A title that an RX560 can get 70 fps on high details.



Bottlenecking is a word used to make people feel bad about a perfectly good gaming build by other people who spent too much.
I upgraded an A10-7870 by dropping in a GTX 1060, it is a really nice upgrade. But if I shared that on some forums I would get "Oh thats gonna be a horrible bottleneck" comments. And it's total BS IMHO
Enjoy your upgrade, an R5 1600 is a really nice cpu!


Feb 4, 2018

Actually, I can run dying light and fallout 4 at max settings with sometimes around 60 fps, And thats with my trash cpu. My graphics card right now is such a big bottleneck to my cpu right now and i still get good frames, With the new ryzen cpu i will have most likely around 70. Yes those games where made a while ago, But they still are demanding. All the games i play have no problem with the rx 560, I picked it up for 230$ and i love it for a card, Better then spending 400-500$ CAD on a rx 580.