Replacing Power switch usb board on ASUS TP300L

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Jun 22, 2018
My laptop suddenly wouldnt turn on. There appeared to be no resistance on the Power button. I opened up the back and looked down the side with a magnifying loop and found that the little power button was hanging off the power board. Unfortunately in trying to place it back on it sheared off.

I have found a replacement Power switch usb board on ebay but cant seem to find any instructions on how to get the old one out and the new one in. I wondered if it was a job that could be done by a novice if a simple remove a few screws, detach this and that etc or whether I need an expert. Many thanks
should be doable, unscrewing to get to it. you will just have to disconnect the cable and put in the replacement cable. The connector has a fixation like:
sometimes there are noses on the left and right of the connector, these have to be pulled evenly till the cable can be pulled out

maybe this can help
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