Port Forwarding hasn't worked for me.

Oct 22, 2018
Hello, I have been trying to portforward for some time now. Currently, I am attempting to port forward for the game For Honor because my NAT type is stuck at strict. I have forwarded the ports UDP 3074 and 3075 , yet these still do not work. My NAT type is still strict. I downloaded PFPortChecker and it tells me that my ports are not opened.

Any assistance is welcomed, I am on thew MF279 ATnT router.



Mobile (cellular) internet providers commonly assign private IP addresses to residential users. This will prevent you from ever getting less than strict NAT no matter what you do.

You can try to request a public IP address from your provider, but I believe public addresses are only assigned to business accounts.

Hamachi is sometimes recommended as a possible solution, but I have no experience with this service.
Oct 22, 2018

Thank you for the response. Just as a question, I have set myself a static IP. How does this differ from the private IP you mentioned? Also, I set that static IP to be the DMZ host (I was told this is a possible solution) and a UDP port directly through my firewall. Just in your opinion, is this a safe thing to do? I was told of the security risks. All of these methods still resulted in a strict NAT.



DMZ (on consumer routers) is not considered safe, as it allows any inbound port into your network. You should disable DMZ. (The DMZ can be used for a very brief time to find if you can achieve a less than strict NAT.)

The IP address (private or public) I mentioned is an address assigned by your provider to your mobile device to identify your particular device on their network. The static IP you assigned to your PC is different: it is needed so that your mobile device always knows where to send packets from a forwarded port.

If you have access to the configuration page of your wireless internet access device, you should be able to see the address assigned to the WAN side from your provider. That address must match what you see when you Google "what is my IP" or using a port check site like canyouseeme.org for port forwarding to be successful.
Oct 22, 2018

After a couple days of back and forth with my ISP, it appears that a public IP is not available to me (I do have a router under a business account, but I kept getting thrown around when attempting to discuss a public IP about it and got nowhere, plus it isn't the router thats readily available to me). What are my options from here? Is there anything I could do? I have a couple friends who are much more "tech savvy" than me and they discussed the idea of a proxy in order to fix my issues, but I have no experience with this and they are not always readily available to discuss it. I can't find many articles online expressing a similar issue as myself so I'm a bit blind.