[SOLVED] 1070 vs 1070 to with i5 6500

Dec 14, 2018
Hi guys, I currently have a 1060 3gb and am struggling to reach the 144hz of my monitor. I want to upgrade to reach that on 1080p.I understand that my cpu will bottleneck the 1070 and 1070 ti but wanted to ask, will it be worth to get ti or will it make any difference at all? I play Overwatch and Destiny 2 if that helps. Thanks for your time.
Your i5-6500 shouldn't bottleneck the GTX 1070. The Ti might show some slight bottleneck, but not enough to keep you from getting 144 fps.
It’s going to depend on the game, here the slightly stronger 7600k doesn’t even average 90fps


Ok this example is probably close to worst case but for modern AAA games quad cores are entry level.