COMDEX/Fall '99 - Motherboard Manufacturers By Silvino Orozco published 22 November 99 News from VIA, ABIT, Delta, DFI, Iwill, Lucky Star, MSI and TMC.
Preview of the Double Whopper - ATI's Rage Fury MAXX By Silvino Orozco published 8 November 99 Revisit the ATI Rage Fury MAXX as we take a deeper look at its performance as software and hardware come very close to release.
S3 Savage 2000 Preview By Silvino Orozco published 2 November 99 First Looks at S3's upcoming T&L graphics engine. The Savage 2000 / Viper 2!
Over-clocking the GeForce256 By Silvino Orozco published 19 October 99 Want to get the low down on what the GeForce can REALLY do? Come see the SDR and DDR GeForce take 3D performance to new levels as we test their over-clocking limits.
ATI Rage Fury Pro Review By Silvino Orozco published 8 October 99 The real deal about the ATI Rage Fury Pro and Fury MAXX. Guarantied free from copies of ATi's presentations.
VideoLogic Neon 250 Review By Silvino Orozco published 29 September 99 VideoLogic unleashes its PowerVR Series 2 based Neon 250 hoping to bring the competition to its knees.
Diamond Stealth III S540 Xtreme Review By Silvino Orozco published 20 September 99 Price conscious buyers looking for the best bang for the buck should check this out. The latest Savage4 graphics card from Diamond comes with 166 MHz chip clock.
32 Graphic Card Meltdown - Part One By Silvino Orozco published 4 August 99 This first part of the 32-3D card article discusses the driver issues and feature list of the cards. Be careful, even this part one is 'only' 230 pages.
Review of the Matrox G400 MAX By Silvino Orozco published 28 June 99 During these days of higher end consumer graphics cards, there are few cards that offer innovative graphical features