2K Keeps Duke Alive With 'The Doctor Who Cloned Me' DLC

Despite what many critics and disgruntled gamers said over the summer, some of us really liked Duke Nukem Forever. Sure, there was an air of fragmentation that obviously stemmed from the game's unusually long development, but it was still good to see Duke's return and listen to his cheese ball one-liners again.

On Tuesday, 2K Games announced the release of Duke's very first downloadable expansion pack, The Doctor Who Cloned Me. Now available for $9.99 on the PlayStation Network Store, Xbox Live Marketplace and Windows PC, the new content is "bursting with hours of the over-the-top Duke goodness that fans love."

"Deep in the heart of Area 51, Dr. Proton has been hatching his maniacal plan," reads the description. "Fueled by new ego boosts, Duke is ready to take on evil clones, alien queens and anything else that comes his way in order to save the world and his babes! This full, new single-player campaign includes brand new weapons, all-new enemy types and bosses, more Achievements/Trophies and many more interactive items within the world."

The DLC also adds four new multiplayer maps including Sky-High, Command, Drop Zone and Biohazard. Here's a description of each:

The alien-infested corporate offices of Pooty, Inc. near the center of Las Vegas. This map includes three indoor floors taken over by the aliens and two rooftops, jump pads, stairwells, and building-to-building combat.

EDF command center with an imprisoned BattleLord at its core! A two-level map featuring winding stairs, straightaway corridors, and jump pads.

Drop Zone
Rooftop of Duke’s Lady Killer Casino featuring indoor and outdoor combat and stairwells for platforming, an EDF dropship on landing pad, and a bottomless pit.

Fight in the Breston Plant Nuclear Power facilities and compete across multiple floors in locker rooms, restrooms with showers, control rooms, and the nuclear waste storage room.

    This game started out at the $50 mark, now down to $20. What does that tell you? That expansion pack should be free.
  • alidan
    JOSHSKORNThis game started out at the $50 mark, now down to $20. What does that tell you? That expansion pack should be free.
    this dlc should be the first bit of contend that was made for the game by a competent company, i say give it a chance, probably better than the core game.
  • Hail to the king baby !
  • RaZZ3RDeath
    They got balls, balls, balls, ballls, balls of steel to make this expansion pack :)
  • Massacher
    it should be free to first access club members imo.
  • back_by_demand
    JOSHSKORNThis game started out at the $50 mark, now down to $20. What does that tell you?That this 6 month old game get dropped in price like every other 6 month old game?
    BTW, have you even played it or are you another Duke-ragging-bandwagon-kinda-guy?
  • wardler
    back_by_demandThat this 6 month old game get dropped in price like every other 6 month old game?...BTW, have you even played it or are you another Duke-ragging-bandwagon-kinda-guy?Please... they are still selling old copies of MW for like 50 bucks. Games don't drop like that in 6 months unless they are made by Valve or absolutely suck.
  • JohnnyLucky
    I need to clean out my garage. Somewhere in one of the boxes I think I still have the original Duke Nukem cd from a long long time ago.
  • duke is 9 dollars at gamestop. beyond that the game itself is perfectly fine for a duke nukem game. they put out a game essentially a decade old to please you guys. you should have known what you were getting into. now gearbox has said they will make a new duke with your ideas and nothing from 16 different designers from 8 different companies. give duke its credit, take a 15 year trip to hell and see if you dont need a readjustment period. the new duke will put your faith back into the ass kicking machine that made pc gaming fun when you were a kid. except now on a console because pc gaming is overrated.
  • reviewer889
    The only thing worse would be a map pack come out for that garbage we call COD MW3