Alien: Isolation "Survivor Mode" Detailed

On Wednesday, SEGA and Creative Assembly revealed details concerning the "Survivor Mode" in the upcoming game Alien: Isolation. This was the mode we tested during E3 2014 back in June, which pits human against alien as players struggle to complete objectives using limited resources. The goal is to escape the level and beat the clock.

"This is the game in its purest form; it's you against the creature and it's against the clock. It was just fantastic watching players leave the demo with a strange mix of joy, terror and relief at simply surviving, before jumping back in and trying to tackle it in a different way to beat their time!" said Creative Lead Al Hope.

Alien: Isolation will ship with a Survivor Mode demo that includes one playable map, "Basement." After that, SEGA plans to launch the first of five Survivor Mode add-on packs on October 28. This pack will consist of three new maps, new objectives, a new playable character and "a variety of enemy types."

Eventually, SEGA will release four more map packs that have their own unique objectives to keep players on their toes. SEGA expects to ship all five map packs by March 2015.

For gamers who don't want to purchase the map packs separately, SEGA and Creative Assembly will also provide a Season Pass that grants access to all five add-on packs. This option will provide a discount up to 25 percent.

SEGA announced on September 9 that Alien: Isolation finally went gold. That means the game is complete and on track for an October 7 launch for Xbox consoles, PlayStation consoles and Windows PC. You can have a look at the system requirements for the Windows PC version here.

Alien: Isolation is a fist-person survival horror game taking place between Ridley Scott's 1979 Alien movie and James Cameron's 1986 sequel Aliens. Fifteen years have passed since Ripley disappeared in the escape pod, and her daughter, Amanda, leaves Earth in search of her mother. The trail leads to the Sevastopol space station, which is inhabited by a single Xenomorph.

"Players find themselves in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger as an unpredictable, ruthless Xenomorph is stalking and killing deep in the shadows," the game's description said. "Underpowered and underprepared, you must scavenge resources, improvise solutions and use your wits, not just to succeed in your mission, but to simply stay alive."

Are you ready for Alien: Isolation?

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  • childofthekorn
    Sounding great. Think I'll wait for a new computer till i try this one out. I don't think my 5850 HD will do this justice.
  • coovargo
    Typo detected:

    A fist-person survival game? I suppose that's very similar to a first-person.
  • SoiledBottom
    I googled "Fist Person" and it wasn't pretty
  • DXRick
    Is there another way to play this game than "Survivor Mode"?
  • childofthekorn
    14195124 said:
    Is there another way to play this game than "Survivor Mode"?

    They have a "kumbaya" campaign where you compete against he xenomorph in who can sing "Kumbaya, my lord" the best. Spoiler: Everyone's a winner!

    Actually I'm interested to know if there is or not as well.
  • popaholic
    So once again lets TEASE the gamer with a fun game mode DEMO. Then we can charge them 9.99 for each add on. SO 60 bucks for the game, then 6 map packs, totaling 110 for the complete version of the game. Or 80-90 with the season pass. Thanks SEGA, we just love getting gorged. Anyone else notice this stuff?
  • mlga91
    They dont even launch the game and are already promoting the season's pass? Great, just great.
  • childofthekorn
    14195720 said:
    So once again lets TEASE the gamer with a fun game mode DEMO. Then we can charge them 9.99 for each add on. SO 60 bucks for the game, then 6 map packs, totaling 110 for the complete version of the game. Or 80-90 with the season pass. Thanks SEGA, we just love getting gorged. Anyone else notice this stuff?

    Battlefield, COD, Borderlands, just the few that come off the top of my head.
  • M-31
    I have absolutely no interest in any game that has beat the clock or timed missions in it. Games like this are extremely frustrating...I don't pay good money to be frustrated I pay good money to have FUN...that's why I play.