World Of Warcraft Goes Midsummer And Archlord Provides Original MMORPG Races

If you couldn't be bothered going out to see the sun rise on midsummer's night then World of Warcraft has the answer, apparently. From June 21st until July 5th the game will be featuring midsummer celebrations in good old wannabe pagan fashion.

If you couldn’t be bothered going out to see the sun rise on midsummer’s night then World of Warcraft has the answer, apparently. From June 21st until July 5th the game will be featuring midsummer celebrations in good old wannabe pagan fashion.

What the f...The long and the short of it all is that there will be fires lit all around the WoW land, and players will congregate in these (safe) areas and do whatever it is one does in an MMORPG at midsummer.

What the f...The long and the short of it all is that there will be fires lit all around the WoW land, and players will congregate in these (safe) areas and do whatever it is one does in an MMORPG at midsummer.

Drunks and fire, a winning combination (even in cyberspace)

Drunks and fire, a winning combination (even in cyberspace)

Carrying all that weight at his height, he's asking for back troubles.I just love MMORPGs, I really do. They're like the last bastion of creativity in this shallow world of... wait, no. If you'll just excuse me for a moment, I'm going to go jump off of a

Carrying all that weight at his height, he’s asking for back troubles.I just love MMORPGs, I really do. They’re like the last bastion of creativity in this shallow world of... wait, no. If you’ll just excuse me for a moment, I’m going to go jump off of a

Poser.Alright, so I'm incredibly cynical, and the developers tell me that they got 20,000 applications for beta testers in two hours, so it can't be all that bad. In case you were wondering, if you are one of the eager Archlord beavers, you can play as a

Poser.Alright, so I’m incredibly cynical, and the developers tell me that they got 20,000 applications for beta testers in two hours, so it can’t be all that bad. In case you were wondering, if you are one of the eager Archlord beavers, you can play as a

If you need me I'll be at filing a complaint for crimes against modest armour.

If you need me I’ll be at filing a complaint for crimes against modest armour.