The Die Has Been Cast: Pentium 4/2533 vs. Athlon XP 2100+ By Thomas Pabst published 6 May 02 In the right platform, Intel's new Pentium 4 at 2533 MHz leaves AMD's Athlon XP 2100+ behind quite badly. We bring you a wealth of benchmarks from 29 processors.
The Best Thing That Could Happen To Intel's Pentium 4 - The SiS645 Chipset By Thomas Pabst published 8 October 01
HOT! An Early Look At The New Pentium III (Tualatin or Coppermine-T?) By Thomas Pabst published 12 June 01
AMD's Athlon 1400 and Duron 950 By Thomas Pabst published 8 June 01 On Computex-Wednesday AMD released Athlon 1400 and Duron 950. This article contains extensive benchmark data to compare the new processors to previous AMD as well as Intel CPUs.