Addendum to Rage 128 Review By Thomas Pabst published 11 December 98 Some people seem to have doubts about the temperature that I measured of the Rage 128 chip.
First Look at ATI's Rage 128 By Thomas Pabst published 10 December 98 Impressive was the presentation of the Rage 128 back then in Toronto at the end of August. The upcoming Rage128 3D accelerator chip would be an amazing 2D/3D solution
AMD Moves onto the Overtaking Lane By Thomas Pabst published 15 October 98 AMD's announcement of their upcoming K7 CPU at the Microprocessor Forum 98 in San Jose could indeed mark a major change of the x86 CPU market in 1999.
NVIDIA vs. 3Dfx - TNT vs. the Voodoos By Thomas Pabst published 7 October 98 Times are changing in the graphics business. Prices of graphics cards are dropping and this might change a lot in the card makers business.
Big CPU Shoot Out: Intel Launches New Celeron with Mendocino Core and Pentium II 450 By Thomas Pabst published 24 August 98 Yesterday (Aug 24, 1998) Intel announced three new processors, the Pentium II 450 and two new Celeron CPUs 'Celeron 300 A' and 'Celeron 333'
New 3D Chips - Banshee, G200, RIVA TNT And Savage3D By Thomas Pabst published 18 August 98 What's the best 3D chip for you? Is 3Dfx still on top of things or is NVIDIA taking over the lead?
Real3D's Response to Does AGP Really Improve Performance? By Thomas Pabst published 14 August 98 Real3D's critical comments to Bert's article. Is AGP a great improvement? How does the i740 stick up?
Socket 7 Board Review July 1998 By Thomas Pabst published 31 July 98 Half a year has passed since our last Socket7 motherboard review and a lot has changed in the last months once again
Intel Roadmap Q3/98 By Thomas Pabst published 30 July 98 The next Pentium II core at 100 MHz FSB will be Katmai , starting to ship in Q1/99, initially at 450 MHz, then soon moving to 500 MHz
Addendum to Banshee, Savage3D and TNT Preview By Thomas Pabst published 23 July 98 My preview of Banshee, Savage3D and RIVA TNT was causing quite a stir, just the way I love it.
Preview of 3Dfx Voodoo Banshee, S3 Savage3D and NVIDIA RIVA TNT By Thomas Pabst published 20 July 98 The late summer and fall 1998 will bring us a bunch of new 3D graphics chips, most of them already announced for quite a while
AMD's New K6-2 Processor By Thomas Pabst published 28 May 98 Last year in April AMD was able to offer the fastest Windows x86 CPU for a very short period until Intel released the Pentium II processor
Review of Slot 1 Motherboards with Intel 440BX Chipset - Spring 1998 By Thomas Pabst published 26 May 98 Intel won the run and is the first to ship a chipset that is running at 100 MHz system or front side bus clock.
Intel's Slot 1 CPUs Uncovered By Thomas Pabst published 3 May 98 Important things you should know about Pentium II and Celeron, Klamath and Deschutes
Graphic Chips Review April 98 By Thomas Pabst published 27 April 98 Including Matrox MGA-G200 and first look of NVIDIA RIVA ZX
100 MHz Front Side Bus - What's the Beef ? By Thomas Pabst published 16 April 98 Intel launches a new chipset called 440BX. It is the first official product in the PC business that offers a system bus of 100 MHz. Intel calls it 'front side bus'
Intels New Blessings for the PC and More ... By Thomas Pabst published 15 April 98 Intel launches a new chipset called 440BX. It is the first official product in the PC business that offers a system bus of 100 MHz. Intel calls it 'front side bus'
Diamond's Monster 3D II By Thomas Pabst published 2 March 98 The Monster 3D II was the first Voodoo2 board ever technically reviewed
Creative Labs 3D Blaster Voodoo2 By Thomas Pabst published 27 February 98 Creative won the race of which company will be first on the market with a Voodoo 2 3D accelerator.