Facebook Bringing Out 'Save for Later' Feature

Facebook is slowly rolling out a "save for later" feature for its users. iMore first spotted the update for the Facebook mobile website, although The Verge has confirmed that the new feature has also touched down for desktops.

Mobile users who get the update will receive a notification alerting them that they can save their favorite stories by pressing and holding anywhere on the story. The saved story will then be stashed under the user's "favorites" section in the sidebar to revisit when offline.

For desktop users, the save feature will appear next to the share option in stories. Similar to "liking" a story, saving a story can easily be toggled on or off.

The new save feature is currently for Facebook posts only, so it might be a little early to start tolling the death knoll for Instapaper and Pocket.

Note that not all Facebook users have received this update, so don't panic if you can't start saving stories just yet. 

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  • Kami3k
    Still not going to help your stock... >:-D
  • L0tus
    This is a great feature!!! How else can we remember to revisit links or stories?! It's not like we have brains to do this for us :D
  • geeksinhere23
    is this the biggest upgrade for facebook 2013sp1? my tv remote have more feature than facebook.
  • tsnorquist
    If only web browsers had some sort of feature like this. Maybe they could call it bookmarks or favorites... We can only dream.
  • memadmax
    wow.... I'm impressed..... /yawn /sleep
  • A Bad Day
    L0tusThis is a great feature!!! How else can we remember to revisit links or stories?! It's not like we have brains to do this for us
    There are studies that showed that human brains of many people are slightly wired differently.

    Instead of storing memories, the brains are rewired to focus on remembering key words or phrases and let the notebook, journal, notepad, or the internet do the remembering stuff.

    Why memorize a key information about a company when all you have to do is look it up in Google?
  • g00fysmiley
    it looks liek a great new feature fo rthose of us who ahve friends on facebook linking articles all the time and not having time to read them and not wanting to like them without knowing what they say... granted i usually just bookmark them and come back to them when i have time but hey if it'll save me bookmakring and un bookmarking i'll tip my hat to it