Mitnick May Sue AT&T Over Account Breach

Yesterday we reported that Mitnick had been told by both AT&T and the company that hosts his site to find service elsewhere. Apparently being Kevin Mitnick means a lot of people like to launch attacks on your website and breach your AT&T account only to post your personal details on the web.

CNet today reports that Kevin wanted compensation from AT&T. Unfortunately for Mitnick, AT&T wasn't having any of it. Now, Mitnick says he might sue.

"My attorney is going to review my contract to see what, if any, restrictions are in my service agreement," he said. "I may file a lawsuit for invasion of privacy for the failure to adequately protect my information."

"AT&T wants me off their network because they can't secure my account, and after being a loyal customer for almost a decade I find that reprehensible," he told CNet News on Thursday. "It apparently is more cost effective to drop me than to secure their customer's information."

Do you think Mitnick has the right to sue AT&T for terminating his contract? Let us know in the comments below!

Read the full story here.

  • masop
    Wow, I haven't heard much of a peep in the media regarding mitnick lately. It won't be an easy case to prosecute IMHO. It really depends on various factors. In the end, if it wasn't for his past getting in the way, he could fend off the attacks himself. If I was him, I'd consider suing as well, but only if I knew without a doubt that I'd win. It isn't like he doesn't have the money for a lawsuit, heh.
  • agentjon
    Good for him.
    AT&T and the like charge their early termination fee if you leave before your contract is up, even if their service sucks. Its time the consumer fights back.
  • Irrenhaus
    The funny part is that this was one of the companies that he hack into back in the days of Pacific Bell. Now he is been hack out it.
  • Irrenhaus
    IrrenhausThe funny part is that this was one of the companies that he hack into(well alleged) back in the days of Pacific Bell. Now he is been hack out it.
  • While I don't feel very sorry for Mitnick repeatedly being attacked and compromised (it's his own fault he's become such a high profile target after all), this is no excuse the AT&T to shirk their duties in protecting his customer data. If his data is repeatedly being compromised, AT&T is clearly has security issues they should be addressing.

    For those who would side with AT&T, let me put it this way. If Mitnick's customer information can be compromised, any customers information could be. If this was happening to you, would you still side with AT&T?
  • Niva
    Absolutely he has the right to sue, he's being singled out. Curious how this will fall out in the long term but I think he should press forward with it based on the situation.
  • I'd say that AT&T should hold their end of the contract up and they should make a serious attempt to keep their networks and their servers secure.

    Just look at all the security breaches and credit card thefts that have been in the news in the last year or two and you'll see the seriousness of this issue as it's no laughing matter.

    If a company could keep a high profile hacker's account secure, then I'd be willing to do business with them should I need their services.

    Too many companies are failing to take security seriously these days and they would rather put profits ahead of their clients own security.

    AT&T is making more than enough ripping off their customers their high prices. They can certainly afford to better secure their networks instead of their pocketbooks.

    Same thing goes for Verizon and other services.
  • virtualban
    With all their money AT&T should find better marketing people as this is really really really bad publicity for anyone in the field who can decide about hosting anything there.
  • virtualban
    And not only damaging hosting, even though some from the general public that go and buy iPhones might think otherwise. :D
  • Montezuma
    AT&T is an absolute shit company. They treat their employees like shit and they treat their customer just as bad. If I were Kevin, I would find a better provider and sue the shit out of them.