Here's why this small business owner uses Microsoft 365 Business from Dell

(Image credit: Dell)

Rohith Namboothiri has been building websites since he was just 8 years old. He started his own business when he was 15. At 18, while working with multiple brands as the Director of Operation & IT at an Indian company based in Canada, he identified a general pain point: “I encountered a very common problem people from India faced, which is a language barrier,” Rohith explained. 

He realized language skills were essential for people to succeed, and in 2015, he co-founded Inzpira to help break down those barriers for non-native English speakers in India.

Inzpira’s program focuses on spoken English, helping students practice 1-on-1 with trainers through more engaging methods of learning, including rhymes, songs, movies, and games. The program can prepare the students to be more confident and effective speakers and ready them for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). 

Initially, Rohith built his own platform to run Inzpira, but he told us, “as we started growing we started to feel limited by the platform I developed.” He initially tried several different platforms to run the business, but “the features, the scalability and the user-friendly approach of Microsoft made me choose M365,” he explained. 

Only about a year later, the tools available to Inzpira through Microsoft 365 have become nearly indispensable to the business. Here’s just how Microsoft 365 has helped Rohith run and grow his business:


The tools and features of Microsoft 365 are readily accessible to people inside and outside the company, which lets Inzpira communicate with all of its 40 employees, its 80+ remote trainers, as well as all the people seeking language training across the globe. For both staff and clients alike, Microsoft 365 offers an approachable and effective set of tools. Features like Teams have been especially helpful for remote work. “Microsoft Teams is the bread and butter of my organization. I cannot think of a situation without teams now,” says Rohith. 

“With Microsoft 365, I have all my trainers on one platform. Our communication is seamless now and we don’t need a separate project management or communication platform to communicate with each other. Planning, Scheduling, and Inviting a student for a session is just a click of a button, thanks to Teams.”

A solution for everything

Microsoft 365 has tools for almost anything. The Teams application has provided Inzpira an easy way to schedule lessons, send out invites, and conduct those lessons all in the same pipeline. Inzpira can rely on Microsoft 365 for email service through Outlook. And, it can get information from clients easily with Forms. In Rohith’s words, “Teams, Forms, Remote Work, Streams, Outlook, Flow (Power Automate)...Microsoft 365 is a package that if used in the right way can do magic to your business.”

(Image credit: Dell)

The power of OneDrive and Stream

Having an effective means of sharing information is important in any business. For Rohith’s team, that means sharing the company’s lessons. With Stream and OneDrive, Inzpira can easily record all of the lessons it teaches and provide them to clients over OneDrive.

Tools that are better together

Having all the tools needed to run a successful business is one thing, but having them all in one place makes them all even better. Inzpira didn’t need to look for separate platforms to handle each separate aspect of its business, and the unified platform helped Rohith and the Inzpira team in more ways than one. 

Rohith praised the way that, in Microsoft 365, “a lot of independent modules or services are closely integrated into one platform that saves time, money and effort. Before, if I had to provide an online session to a student, I would have to find a video conferencing system,  use a calendar platform to schedule sessions, create a form with a separate platform, use a different email service provider to send the form to the student and once the student replied...then I’d manually schedule the session and send the video meeting link. It was a very time consuming and hectic job.” 


A tool that works for a small company may not work for a large one and vice versa, but Microsoft 365 is ideal to help companies scale. Rohith’s company has been growing, and Microsoft 365 can grow right beside it. From personal users to small businesses to large enterprises, the Microsoft 365 platform can keep up.

Since its founding, Inzpira has grown to serve over 15,000 students of all ages and walks of life. Rohith plans for the company to become an “Uber for Language Training,” and Microsoft 365 will be instrumental in that growth. Using the Microsoft 365 platform, Rohith sees so many capabilities that he says, “My imagination is the limit today.”

You can learn more and try out the platform for your business with Microsoft 365 from Dell.

(Image credit: Inzpira)

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