Firefox 9.0 Download Released; From 3.6 to 9.0 in 2011

Can you believe that we entered summer with only Firefox version 4.0, and now we're going to close out the year with version 9.0? Firefox is definitely eating its Wheaties.

Here are the changes for Firefox 9.0:

  • Added Type Inference, significantly improving JavaScript performance
  • Improved theme integration for Mac OS X Lion
  • Added two finger swipe navigation for Mac OS X Lion
  • Added support for querying Do Not Track status via JavaScript
  • Added support for font-stretch
  • Improved support for text-overflow
  • Improved standards support for HTML5, MathML, and CSS
  • Fixed several stability issues

Find the Firefox download links below, or use the update function in your browser.


Mac OS X


Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • doped
    mozilla just hopped on the weird version numbering bandwagon the software of tomorrow uses. And how is that for inappropriate image??
  • falcompsx
    going from 3.6 to 9.0 in one year, is just stupid. Frequent updates are a good idea, sure, but lets keep some meaning to version numbers. Instead of changing the major version number for every minor update, do what we always have, call it firefox 4.8 or whatever because to the average user, 9.0 and 3.6 are indistinguishable. Same goes for Chrome. This inflation of version numbers is nothing more than a pissing contest to see who's browser sounds more advanced by version number alone. Google started it with Chrome and its a shame the others are taking notice and following the trend.
  • Netherscourge
    I read this article on my Chrome Browser.
  • JamesSneed
    Only explanation for going from 3.6 to 9.0 is the Firefox girl.
  • ta152h
    I know they think this is supposed to help them, but their market share keeps going down anyway. So, maybe it's not a great strategy after all. It probably irritates more people than it helps. Can you imagine trying to support so many versions? What's the point? So, they aren't more than seven behind Chrome's release number?

    It doesn't seem like anyone wants this.
  • HansVonOhain
    dopedmozilla just hopped on the weird version numbering bandwagon the software of tomorrow uses. And how is that for inappropriate image??
    You must be a virgin.
  • ta152h
    falcompsxgoing from 3.6 to 9.0 in one year, is just stupid. Frequent updates are a good idea, sure, but lets keep some meaning to version numbers. Instead of changing the major version number for every minor update, do what we always have, call it firefox 4.8 or whatever because to the average user, 9.0 and 3.6 are indistinguishable. Same goes for Chrome. This inflation of version numbers is nothing more than a pissing contest to see who's browser sounds more advanced by version number alone. Google started it with Chrome and its a shame the others are taking notice and following the trend.
    Others? Seems like only Firefox is doing this stupid stuff. Opera sure isn't. IE isn't. Safari is Apple, so weird from the beginning, and irrelevant from the beginning. So I don't know, and don't care.

  • icepick314
    ta152hOthers? Seems like only Firefox is doing this stupid stuff. Opera sure isn't. IE isn't. Safari is Apple, so weird from the beginning, and irrelevant from the beginning. So I don't know, and don't care.
    you forgot Chrome...

    it's at version 16....
  • ta152h
    HansVonOhainYou must be a virgin.
    Actually, I think most of the guys here that post about her are. She's got a face like a moose, her figure is average at best, with a thick waist, and only average bust. She's arching her body in a way that exaggerates the positive aspects of the female figure, but that's about it.

    But, you'll get comment after comment on her. Those are probably the virgins (not that there's anything wrong with that). Normal men aren't going to be so aroused by a mediocre female they don't know, that they have to create post after post about it. She's not exactly Marilyn Monroe or Monica Bellucci.
  • VirtualMirage
    The other negative about Mozilla using whole version numbers for what is essentially an incremental update to the browser is that it makes it a pain the butt to update the browser to receive necessary fixes in a work environment that only allows approved software to be installed. When incremental updates are released and the version number is only a minor increment (say a .01 or .2 version number change), those can be installed usually without issue since it is the same major product version. But when you start changing the version number in major increments, say 4.0 to 5.0 or 9.0 in this case, the 'gods' in the approval office won't allow the product to be installed until it goes through the proper procedures (which can take weeks or months). Having to do this several times in one year by filling out paperwork, submitting, and hoping for a quick turn around for what is essentially a reliability update with some security improvements, and a few new features thrown in to give it that new car smell, is just a headache in the workplace. All because of the version number...