God of War II

God of War II starts off on the right note with an epic boss battle featuring the Colossus of Rhodes, which last pretty much the entire first level.

God of War II starts off on the right note with an epic boss battle featuring the Colossus of Rhodes, which last pretty much the entire first level.

The God of War sequel features even more Greek mythology and appearances of such classic figures as Perseus (voiced by actor Harry Hamlin, who played Perseus in "Clash of the Titans").

The God of War sequel features even more Greek mythology and appearances of such classic figures as Perseus (voiced by actor Harry Hamlin, who played Perseus in "Clash of the Titans").

Both Rob and Travis loved the showdown with Perseus, but Rob felt a little guilty about cutting up the Greek hero.

Both Rob and Travis loved the showdown with Perseus, but Rob felt a little guilty about cutting up the Greek hero.

One of the best additions of God of War II is the remarkable aerial combat, which provides greats visuals, stunning design and plenty of exciting gameplay.

One of the best additions of God of War II is the remarkable aerial combat, which provides greats visuals, stunning design and plenty of exciting gameplay.

God of War II also features new spells and weapons, such as the Barbarian Hammer, but they fall by the wayside and weren't used very much by either Rob or Travis.

God of War II also features new spells and weapons, such as the Barbarian Hammer, but they fall by the wayside and weren’t used very much by either Rob or Travis.

Much of God of War II is familiar territory as Kratos fights the same gorgons, Cyclops, harpies and wraiths as the first game. Travis didn't mind the lack of new enemies, but Rob found a lot of the combat repetitive.

Much of God of War II is familiar territory as Kratos fights the same gorgons, Cyclops, harpies and wraiths as the first game. Travis didn’t mind the lack of new enemies, but Rob found a lot of the combat repetitive.

One of the new enemies in God of War II is the Titan Minatour, but other than that, it's pretty much a retread of God of War - which isn't a bad thing.

One of the new enemies in God of War II is the Titan Minatour, but other than that, it’s pretty much a retread of God of War - which isn’t a bad thing.

The Crossing of the Lowlands puzzle challenge is one of the better parts of the game and featuring classic God of War-style visuals.

The Crossing of the Lowlands puzzle challenge is one of the better parts of the game and featuring classic God of War-style visuals.

In the sequel, Kratos can use his chained blades to swing and jump from different areas, which is a nice addition to already brilliant gameplay and controls.

In the sequel, Kratos can use his chained blades to swing and jump from different areas, which is a nice addition to already brilliant gameplay and controls.

God of War II is a fine sequel - Travis gives it an A, while Rob stuck it with a B+ - and is a fitting swan song to the PlayStation 2 era.

God of War II is a fine sequel - Travis gives it an A, while Rob stuck it with a B+ - and is a fitting swan song to the PlayStation 2 era.