Memorial Fund for Company of Heroes Designer

Tuesday we reported that Relic Entertainment's Brian Wood was killed in an auto accident last Friday. Known for his work on the Company of Heroes series, Wood died as a hero of his own design by taking the brunt of the impact, saving his wife and unborn first child. Had he not made the split-second decision to hit the brakes and jerk the car to the right, it's believed that all three passengers would have been killed.

"I am not quite sure how I am supposed to live the rest of my life without [Brian]," wife Erin Wood said after the accident. "He truly was a gift and I wouldn’t change a thing of any of our moments together. (The baby is) due Nov. 5 so it will come quick and then I look forward to seeing little glimpses of Brian in our baby and that gives me a lot of strength right now."

To help Erin through the difficult days ahead, Radical Entertainment has established a memorial trust fund located online here. "Brian was a very close friend," said Szymon Mazus of Radical Entertainment. "He was just the kindest, most down to earth person you could ever hope to meet, as is Erin. We have set up a trust fund to help Erin and the baby during this very difficult time."

To make a donation, Canadian residents can head to any North Shore Credit Union branch in the Lower Mainland area of British Columbia. Donations can also be made through PayPal or through regular (snail) mail, both of which are listed on the Brian Wood Memorial Trust page.

    There's your proof right there that chivalry ISN'T completely dead.
  • DJ898
    RIP. Made great games and was a great father and husband.
  • DrInfested
    Rest in peace..
  • processthis
    This man needs a twenty gun salute.
  • caladbolg
    I'd donate if I had the money, even though I've never played the CoH games. Unfortunately, I'm broke as hell.
  • TheRockMonsi
    Man, that's tragic. I feel for his family. It truly says something of him though how he spun the car so he could take the impact. Many accidents happen all the time, and it just makes you think of how many people don't do that in the end that have a chance to. If he hadn't, everyone would mourn just as much, but since he did it just goes to show you that this guy was truly indeed a hero.

    And you know, a lot of people say they'd give their lives for something, (be it loved ones, or whatever) and I'm not saying they wouldn't, but this kid can grow up knowing that their father was one that did, and did because he loved him and would do anything for their protection. I hope that kid can someday understand that.

    My condolences go out to them.
  • f4nt4sm4
    Putting aside that the CoH franchise is a well designed game, I feel for him, not everyone has the wits to do an important decision in a split second.

    Rest in Peace...
  • xantek24
    My condolences to brian's family.... I have enjoyed company of heroes (still) since it came next battle I will dedicate to him and crush the remainig axis with his spirit as my guide...R.I.P
  • xxmeltingsunxx
    I'm sorry, but why are we calling this man a hero? I can guarantee that anyone going head on into another car would hit the brakes and jerk to the right (maybe left...?) regardless, i think this man was just trying to avoid the accident all together, not really putting his life first, or trying to be a hero....he did what any logical person would do. And what if he did turn left? would he be condemned as a killer? would he still be alive, but hated? i don't think so, he just would have been another guy in a tragic accident.

    But on the other hand, i feel for his family's loss and i can not imagine what his wife is going through.
  • FrozenGpu
    xxmeltingsunxxI'm sorry, but why are we calling this man a hero? I can guarantee that anyone going head on into another car would hit the brakes and jerk to the right (maybe left...?) regardless, i think this man was just trying to avoid the accident all together, not really putting his life first, or trying to be a hero....he did what any logical person would do. And what if he did turn left? would he be condemned as a killer? would he still be alive, but hated? i don't think so, he just would have been another guy in a tragic accident.But on the other hand, i feel for his family's loss and i can not imagine what his wife is going through.
    I hate to take away the thunder of his heroic efforts, but meltingsun has a point. He did what any logical person would do, and to make too much of a simple decision as to swreving right or left is simply a split-second decision and reading too much into it is perhaps a bit much. Let his family and friends mourn their loss, give them some privacy and peace.