Intel, Samsung Develop New Mobile OS Platform

The German edition of the Financial Times recently reported that Intel and Samsung may be merging the failed MeeGo OS with LiMo and create a new Linux-based operating system with strong HTML5 support to support their hardware platforms.

This report may have been confirmed by an announcement that the LiMo Foundation and the Linux Foundation will building a new open source platform called Tizen, which is scheduled for a Q1 2012 release. The OS will be targeting smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, netbooks and in-vehicle infotainment systems. There has been no official confirmation that Intel and Samsung are, in fact, the major industry forces behind this new platform.

Intel's MeeGo hopes died with Nokia's decision to dump all efforts and focus on Windows Phone. Previously, Intel promoted Moblin Linux with its first generation Atom processors with Silverthorne core in 2008. Moblin was based on Asianux, which included components of RedFlag Linux, Miracle Linux and HannSoft.

So far, Intel has not had much luck with its operating system ideas, but Tizen could be of a different caliber as it appears to be backed by Samsung as well. If that is the case, however, there may be new rumors what will happen to HP's WebOS, as Samsung was rumored to be one of the bidders to acquire the software. Perhaps we should start thinking into the direction of other platform companies, including Qualcomm?

  • mindistortionz
    doesn't samsung make phones. I wonder if in the future they will push the os on all their phones. interesting.
  • tuch92
    If I remember correctly, Samsung already said that they don't want WebOS.
  • surda
    yea they dont want WebOS but this is very interesting, no offence but Samsung will have a much better chance on this one than nokia, their hardware design is amazing compared to all other phones, like the galaxy s2 its the thinnest and lightest yet has the most powerful hardware, plus their exclusive super AMOLED screen which just looks much better than other lcd phones.
  • ikyung
    Samsung already has their mobile OS on phones. They been testing it in S.Korea for a while now. The reason you don't see phones with the Bada OS from Samsung in NA and EU is because it probably isn't ready to compete with Google, Apple and Windows. But, now teaming up with Intel, they might have better leverage here in the west.
  • CyberAngel
    About Nokia:
    The N8 (Symbian) has the best phone camera ever
    The N9 (MeeGo+Harmattan UI)UI and multitasking is the best so far

    The Microsoft mole Elop should be officially executed in the USA for his crimes or promoted as the permanent president of the USA
    depending on the POV.
    His is the 1st CEO ever to lie about the company products negatively
    eg. claiming that N9 will not work and will not finish in time.
    AND he made the switch over to a much less working platform: WP7
    The real crooks are the idiots who hired him
    I can't sell my stocks, but instead need to pray the Windows Phone 8 takes the whole world by surprise at the Xmas 2012.
    Then I'll sell my Nokia shares and buy stocks of some medical company that sells diatsepam and parasetamol and sleeping pills.
  • Thunderfox
    Doesn't Samsung make Arm chips for phones and tablets? Getting into bed with Intel is a bizarre move, as they would essentially be competing each other by developing this OS for their own respective platforms.
  • alikum
    CyberAngelAbout Nokia:The N8 (Symbian) has the best phone camera everThe N9 (MeeGo+Harmattan UI)UI and multitasking is the best so farThe Microsoft mole Elop should be officially executed in the USA for his crimes or promoted as the permanent president of the USAdepending on the POV.His is the 1st CEO ever to lie about the company products negativelyeg. claiming that N9 will not work and will not finish in time.AND he made the switch over to a much less working platform: WP7The real crooks are the idiots who hired himI can't sell my stocks, but instead need to pray the Windows Phone 8 takes the whole world by surprise at the Xmas 2012.Then I'll sell my Nokia shares and buy stocks of some medical company that sells diatsepam and parasetamol and sleeping pills.How is WP7 a much less working platform is truly, beyond my comprehension. Have you ever played around with one for 15 minutes? Have you even seen Mango at work? Or have you been relying on "reviews" to come up with a comment like that?
  • rhangman
    ikyungSamsung already has their mobile OS on phones. They been testing it in S.Korea for a while now. The reason you don't see phones with the Bada OS from Samsung in NA and EU is because it probably isn't ready to compete with Google, Apple and Windows. But, now teaming up with Intel, they might have better leverage here in the west.Actually Bada is available in Europe, in fact pretty much everywhere except the US. As for not competing, it actually has more market share than WP7. The lack of quality apps is where Bada can't compete with the more mature/popular platforms. The OS itself is very competitive.
  • shreeharsha
    Samsung also selling Bada & Android phones in India with both having App stores to download from...
  • lpedraja2002
    Ugh, a new OS again? Seriously, for a new OS to succeed it needs to be pushed aggressively into the market to compete and support features that surpasses the competition in every way. We don't need another half-assed OS.