Gearbox 'Demakes' Borderlands 2 Into 16-bit Flash Game

With Borderlands 2 rapidly approaching, Gearbox decided to stir up even more hype with an official 16-bit "demake" of the upcoming title. Called "The Border Lands", the free, browser based game lets you play as one of the main characters from Borderlands 2 in all of his or her 16-bit glory. The flash-powered game features a Smash TV arcade-like style of gaming where it's up to you to survive as many waves as possible.

Despite having their hands full with Borderlands 2 and Aliens: Colonial Marines, Gearbox apparently spent some quality time demaking their upcoming title. True to the franchise, The Border Lands features bountiful amounts of loot and upgrades. Your favorite robo-sidekick Claptrap says,

"Borderlands wasn't always the slick, handsome bastard of a game it is today! Go old skool and play the 1989 16-bit original to see how it all began. I can't believe how young I look!"

If you're anxiously waiting for the September release to roll around, have your fill of Borderlands fun with the flash game here. Show off your excellent high scores in the comments below!

Tuan Mai
Tuan Mai is a Los Angeles based writer and marketing manager working within the PC Hardware industry. He has written for Tom's Guide since 2010, with a special interest in the weird and quirky.
  • master_chen
  • zeratul600
    the game its really cool but they say it 16 from 89, wasnt 8 bit the rule on those times?
  • A Bad Day
    Next step:

    Get it to run on an Atari console.
  • paladiin
    And people complain about console ports nowadays... ;) Glad to see a company who is willing to have all the little extras instead of just crap that you have to pay for. Thanks Gearbox!
  • idroid
    This is BS.... i don't care what old school gamers think but i still CAN NOT that people actually exited about that kind of games...
  • paladiin
    idroidThis is BS.... i don't care what old school gamers think but i still CAN NOT that people actually exited about that kind of games...

    Could the trolls in the audience at least learn something approximating proper English? Even half-@$$ English would be better than some of the crap that they post. Even the trolls are lazy, uneducated pieces of crap nowadays...
  • sourgrapes01
    idroidThis is BS.... i don't care what old school gamers think but i still CAN NOT that people actually exited about that kind of games...
    The only good big budget games are Madden, Call of Duty, and all of the Playstation exclusives like Uncharted and God of War. The art and sets in those games are a generation of graphics ahead of anything on the PC.

    Occasionally, when the talent from the big budget games gets bored, sometimes they make fun little throwback games like this. You should take them for what they are worth and stop being an elitist gamer snob that gives the community a bad name.
  • don't feed the troll...
  • ughmas
    fun stuff, perfect for this slow Saturday at work :D

    Railgun is OP
  • greghome
    Now........if only Crytek made a 8 bit version of Crysis..........