UK Drops 'Opt-in for Porn' Plans Due to Lack of Support

Earlier this year, the UK government opened up a consultation on proposed methods of shielding children from pornographic or unsavory content on the internet. The paper, published at a UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) conference in June, asked for feedback on three options for keeping children safe online. All three options involved blocking porn on an ISP level (whether it was an 'opt-in for porn' solution, or an unavoidable choice on whether or not you wanted filters in place). This week, it emerged that the government has dropped the idea.

According to the BBC, ministers have rejected the plans to automatically block porn on all computers due to a lack of support. The BBC reports that the government received 3,500 responses to the 10-week consultation. Apparently, 35 percent of parents wanted an automatic bar in place, while 15 percent wanted some filtered content and the option to block additional material. Thirteen percent responded that they would like to see a system that asked what you wanted your children to be able to access. The BBC reports that taking respondents as a whole, 80 percent were against all forms of control.

While plans to have ISPs block porn for subscribers have been dropped, the government says internet providers should encourage parents to switch on parental controls that allow for some level of filtering.

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  • BoredErica
    What exactly is so wrong with a horny teen seeing some porn? If they are not having sex with themselves, they're out having sex with random people.
  • MisterZ
    What church are these 'ministers' with ?
  • if i cant get my porn then some girl might just get raped accidently... think of the horny people out there..
  • CrArC
    I love how some parents are outraged that it didn't pass. As if it's so audacious the nation won't accept this filtering bullshit just because some parents want to offload their duties onto the Internet.

    These are the same parents who believe it's totally acceptable that others be inconvenienced by their kids (for example, being noisy in the cinema) just because they chose to procreate. Perhaps they imagine, if others must put up with it in real life, why not online?

    sjkcvawezif i cant get my porn then some girl might just get raped accidently... think of the horny people out there.. Really hope you are joking.

  • Reynod
    My banhammer finger is twitching sjkcvawez ... one more comment like that and you will be excommunicated from the flock here my son.

    Lets keep it clean ...
  • sixdegree
    Lack of support? No kidding. If the proposed method is to "Opt-in for FREE porn", they'll see millions of support in a jiffy.
  • cats_Paw
    Well... Porn aint really unhealthy, and if you are a responsible parent you will teach your kids what they need to know, not try to hide them from something you simply cant hide them from.
  • wannabepro
    REYNODMy banhammer finger is twitching sjkcvawez ... one more comment like that and you will be excommunicated from the flock here my son.Lets keep it clean ...Don't down-rate him... He is right, and it's funny.
  • toadhammer
    MisterZWhat church are these 'ministers' with ?Careful, your American is showing.

    In the rest of the world a minister's job is politics, vs the US where some minister's religion is politics.
  • Deadboy90
    Free the boobies!