ATI releases Catalyst 5.12 driver

ATI published the last major driver update for its graphics chips for 2005. The most recent version 5.12 brings optimization for dual-core processor and Hyperthreading-equipped systems, promises to increase game performance und Windows XP and corrects some issues under Linux.

ATI claims that Games such as FarCry will gain about 25 percent in speed, Comanche 4 about 40 percent, Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness und Unreal Tournament 2004 up to 10 percent, Half-Life 2 up to 8 percent and Splinter Cell up to 8 percent as well. Performance in 3DMark05 will climb almost 6 percent, ATI said. The driver update also offers the usual range of fixes. For example, graphic errors in Doom 3 of Crossfire systems running under the Windows XP Media Center Edition have been corrected. The Linux driver now carries the version number 8.20.8 and eliminates a problem with Linux-systems that could not be reactivated from hibernation state.

The new driver is available for download on ATI's website.